Born: April 3, 1932
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Donna
Children: 5 children - 7 grandchildren
Education: B.S., Kent State University; M.A., West Vriginia University; EdS., Kent State University
Employment/Military Record: Korean War Veteran (Navy) - teacher, coach, superintendent of schools, President and CEO-Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, VP and Interim President-North Central Technical College, adjunct faculty-Ashland University
Community Activities: Richland County Foundation (Trustee), Richland County Technical College Foundation (Chair and Trustee), Richland County United Way (Campaign Chair and President), Employee Participation Council of North Central Ohio, Mansfield Correctional Institution (Advisory Board), Richland County Board of Mental Health, Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, Mohican Institute (Board of Directors). AMVETS, Korean War Veterans Association
Religion: Catholic