Biographical Information
Education: attended University of Toledo
Community Activities: National Commissoin on Neighborhoods
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2003 - 3/17/2010)
Other Offices: Toledo City Council
Elections and Political Participation
Ohio House 47th District 2008
General Vote:
30,475 of 30,475 (100%)
Primary Vote:
13,541 of 13,541 (100%)
Ohio House 47th District 2006
General Vote:
19,998 of 27,114 (73%)
Primary Vote:
5,729 of 5,729 (100%)
Ohio House 47th District 2004
General Vote:
30,323 of 42,660 (71%)
Primary Vote:
6,268 of 6,268 (100%)