John Patterson

Biographical Information

Born: July 7, 1956 in Ashtabula, OH
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Nancy
Children: Joshua, Jeremiah
Education: BA, Comp Soc Studies (Secondary Education), Marietta College 1978; MA, Pol Sci (Am Gov), Ohio University 1979; Ph.D., Ed (Curriculum and Instruction), Kent State 1996.
Employment/Military Record: Retired Teacher, Jefferson Area High School
Community Activities: President, Jefferson Memorial Foundation; Vice-President, Henderson Memorial Library Foundation.
Religion: United Methodist

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

House (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2020)
Other Offices: None before being elected in 2012.

Elections and Political Participation

Ohio House 99th District 2018
General Vote: 19,346 of 36,477 (53%)
Primary Vote: 5,637 of 5,637 (100%)

Ohio House 99th District 2016
General Vote: 31,356 of 31,356 (100%)
Primary Vote: 8,364 of 8,364 (100%)

Ohio House 99th District 2014
General Vote: 17,243 of 29,795 (57%)
Primary Vote: 6,255 of 6,255 (100%)

Ohio House 99th District 2012
General Vote: 24,466 of 46,352 (52%)
Primary Vote: 5,194 of 5,194 (100%)

Political Activities: SB 5, local levy issues (e.g., bond issues for new schools, operating levies)

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