Tracking Status Report
Amanda Sines
HB 2
Capital Appropriations
Cutrona, A. Upchurch, T.
To provide authorization and conditions for the operation of certain state programs, to make capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026, to make other appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/28/2024; Signed: June 28, 2024, Effective: June 28, 2024)
School Athletics
Powell, J.
To enact the Save Women's Sports Act to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (5/10/2023; REPORTED (See separate story))
School Curriculum
Swearingen, D. Carruthers, S.
To enact the "Parents' Bill of Rights" to require public schools to adopt a policy on parental notification on student health and well-being and instructional materials with sexually explicit content.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/26/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
Teacher Licensing
Manning, G. Lightbody, M.
To establish the Grow Your Own Teacher Program, to establish a loan repayment program for eligible teachers, to make changes to teacher licensing and professional development, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/15/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
School Financing System
Callender, J. Sweeney, B.
To express the intent of the General Assembly to continue phasing-in the school financing system established in H.B. 110 of the 134th General Assembly and, if practicable, fully phase it in.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/15/2023; Finance)
Scholarship Programs
McClain, R. John, M.
To establish the Backpack Scholarship Program to begin operating for the 2023-2024 school year, to repeal the Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program and the Pilot Project Scholarship Program on July 1, 2024, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/25/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Education and Workforce
Jones, D. Dobos, D.
To rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce; to create the position of Director of Education and Workforce; and to reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/18/2023; CONTINUED)
Hybrid Motor Vehicles
Miller, J. Weinstein, C.
To eliminate the additional registration fee applicable to hybrid motor vehicles and to delay the effect of those changes until January 1, 2025.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (11/15/2023; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Parental Rights
Creech, R. John, M.
Regarding the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities to grant equal time and responsibility for a child.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families & Aging (5/14/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To revise the informed consent law regarding abortions.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/15/2023; Public Health Policy)
Ethics and Lobbying
Merrin, D.
To enact the Ethics and Financial Disclosure Reform Act to revise the law governing ethics and lobbying.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (3/28/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Stroke Care
Schmidt, J. Hall, T.
Regarding the collection of stroke care data and the recognition of thrombectomy-capable stroke centers.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (4/19/2023; Health)
HB 23
Transportation Budget
Edwards, J.
To make appropriations for programs related to transportation for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of those programs.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/31/2023; Signed: March 31, 2023, Effective: June 28, 2023)
Biomarker Testing
White, A.
To require health benefit plan and Medicaid program coverage of biomarker testing.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 76-17)
Higher Education Cost
Mathews, A. Thomas, J.
To require state institutions of higher education to provide financial cost and aid disclosure forms.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (2/28/2024; 30-2 (Antani, Hicks-Hudson) (AMENDED) (Earlier: REPORTED-AMENDED))
HB 31
Workers' Compensation Budget
Edwards, J.
To make appropriations for the Bureau of Workers' Compensation for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of the Department's programs, and to make changes to the Workers' Compensation Law.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/30/2023; Signed: June 30, 2023, Effective: June 30, 2023; earlier Delivered to the Governor; House Concurs in Senate Amendments: 95-1)
in Senate Insurance (6/30/2023; 31-0 (AMENDED) (Earlier: REPORTED-AMENDED) )
HB 33
Operating Budget
Edwards, J.
To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, to levy taxes, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Text & Analysis
Veto Overridden
in Senate (1/24/2024; Line item #24, Flavored tobacco pre-emption. Vote: 24-8)
Mental Health Days
Blackshear, W. Miranda, J.
To allow school districts to permit students to take up to three mental health days away from school each school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/25/2023; CONTINUED)
Employment Practices
Skindell, M.
To regulate employment practices of formula retail and food service establishment employers and contractors and to require the purchaser of a formula retail or food services establishment to retain certain employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Oil and Natural Gas
Skindell, M.
To ban the taking or removal of oil or natural gas from and under the bed of Lake Erie.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Energy & Natural Resources (3/29/2023; CONTINUED)
HB 47
To require the placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in each public and chartered nonpublic school and each public recreational facility and to require the Ohio Department of Health to develop a model emergency action plan for the use of AEDs, to provide hospital relief payments, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/23/2024; Signed: July 23, 2024, Effective: October 20, 2024)
Hospital Pricing
Ferguson, R. Barhorst, T.
Regarding the availability of hospital price information; and to amend the version of section 3701.83 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
House Refuses to Concur in Senate Amendments
(6/26/2024; 2-92 (Robb Blasdel, Seitz))
Second Amendment
Loychik, M. Schmidt, J.
To enact the Second Amendment Preservation Act to add additional protections to the right to bear arms, to remove federal firearms law references from the state firearms control law, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Calendar for Coming Session
in House Rules & Reference (12/5/2023; REPORTED-AMENDED)
HB 52
Emergency Medical Services
Fowler Arthur, S. John, M.
To restore law related to emergency medical services training and continuing education programs, to amend the versions of sections 4765.10, 4765.11, and 4765.30 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the changes on and after that date, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(4/5/2023; Signed: April 5, 2023, Effective: April 5, 2023)
Humphrey, L.
To limit the locations at which a person has no duty to retreat.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/13/2023; CONTINUED)
Conflict Resolution Instruction
Humphrey, L.
To require public and chartered nonpublic schools to provide conflict resolution instruction to students in grades kindergarten through twelve.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/27/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
Tobacco Tax
Hall, T. Stoltzfus, R.
Regards the deduction and recovery of bad debts for cigarette and tobacco and vapor products taxes.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (10/11/2023; CONTINUED (No testimony))
HB 68
Gender Transition
Click, G.
Regards gender transition services for minors and to name this act the Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.
Text & Analysis
Veto Overridden
in Senate (1/24/2024; 24-8)
To require schools to adopt a policy regarding the administration of over-the-counter drugs.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
Community Workforce Program
Santucci, N.
To establish the Community Connectors Workforce Program and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (5/8/2024; CONTINUED)
Gross, J. Loychik, M.
To authorize the prescribing of off-label drugs and if prescribed, to require their dispensing and to name this act the Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Data Storage
Hall, T. White, A.
To modify the law governing data storage and notifications issued by state agencies.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/21/2023; Government Oversight)
Energy Efficiency
Seitz, B. Sweeney, B.
To permit electric distribution utilities to establish energy efficiency and demand reduction portfolios.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 50-45)
Pharmacist Care
Lipps, S.
Regards pharmacist care.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/28/2023; Health Provider Services)
School Coaches
Loychik, M. Pavliga, G.
To require school athletic coaches to complete mental health training and to revise the renewal requirements for pupil-activity program permits and to amend the version of section 3319.303 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/28/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
Drug Paraphernalia
Humphrey, L.
To remove criminal penalties for the use and possession of drug paraphernalia and drug abuse instruments.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/28/2023; Criminal Justice)
LaRe, J.
To revise specified provisions of the liquor control, hemp, and adult-use marijuana laws and to levy taxes on marijuana.
Text & Analysis
in Senate General Government (12/6/2023; 28-2 (Antani, Ingram) (AMENDED) (Earlier:REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE))
Health Examinations
Hillyer, B. Abdullahi, M.
Regards intimate examinations and anesthetized or unconscious patients.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (5/3/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED (See separate story))
Agricultural Commodity Handlers
Click, G. Creech, R.
To revise the law governing claims against agricultural commodity handlers.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/7/2024; Agriculture)
To increase the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Mental Health Assistants
Pavliga, G.
To license certified mental health assistants and to amend the version of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (11/14/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Emergency Services
Manchester, S.
To regulate the practice of reducing benefits related to emergency services if a condition is determined, after the fact, to not be an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (9/20/2023; CONTINUED)
Respiratory Therapists
Young, T. John, M.
To license advanced practice respiratory therapists and to amend the version of section 4761.01 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (6/25/2024; REPORTED-AMENDED)
Catalytic Converters
Young, B. Roemer, B.
Regarding the sale of used catalytic converters, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/9/2023--Canceled)
Campaign Finance
Sweeney, B. Miranda, J.
To modify the campaign finance law, and to name this act the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/18/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To eliminate retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, to expand the grades for which intensive reading intervention is provided, and expand the inclusion of phonics in learning standards.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (9/13/2023; Education)
Energy Repeal
Weinstein, C. Brennan, S.
To repeal the legacy generation resource provisions of H.B. 6 of the 133rd General Assembly and provide customers refunds.
Text & Analysis
in House (3/22/2023; Public Utilities)
Prior Authorization
Miller, K.
To establish an exemption to prior authorization requirements.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
School Attendance
Hall, T. Creech, R.
To require school districts to grant students excused absences from school for participation in 4-H and FFA programs and activities.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (9/12/2023)
Dispensing Pharmacies
Holmes, A. Stewart, B.
To authorize the operation of remote dispensing pharmacies.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (4/2/2024--Canceled)
Medical Occupations
LaRe, J. Robb Blasdel, M.
To restrict cost-sharing requirements with regard to occupational and physical therapists and chiropractors.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
HB 147
Teacher Regulations
Fowler Arthur, S. Miller, A.
Regards teacher licensure revocation, teacher hiring practices, and conduct unbecoming to the teaching profession.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Higher Education
Demetriou, S. Williams, J.
To enact the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (6/14/2023; CONTINUED)
Hearing Aids
Weinstein, C. Young, B.
To require health plan issuers to cover hearing aids and related services for persons twenty-one years of age and younger and to name this act Madeline's Law.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (9/13/2023; Insurance)
Registered Nurses
Skindell, M. Humphrey, L.
Regards staffing ratios and other employment conditions for registered nurses employed by hospitals.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/25/2023; Health Provider Services)
Physician-Administered Drugs
Manning, G. Oelslager, S.
To amend the law related to physician-administered drugs.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (12/6/2023; CONTINUED)
Agriculture Designations
Klopfenstein, R. Kick, D.
To make specified day and week designations relating to agriculture.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources (4/9/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
To enact the Ohio Adult Use Act and to levy a tax.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/23/2023; Finance)
Sun Lamp Tanning
Hillyer, B.
To prohibit the provision of sun lamp tanning services to individuals under age 18 and to make changes regarding the titles that may be used by physicians.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (12/5/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
To enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act to allow family members, household members, and law enforcement officers to obtain a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/6/2023; CONTINUED)
Firearm Storage
Miranda, J. Brewer, D.
To require secure storage of firearms, to authorize an income tax credit for the purchase of firearm storage and locking devices, to name this act the Keep Every Home Safe Act, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/6/2023; CONTINUED)
Health Insurance
Manchester, S.
To prohibit certain health insurance cost-sharing practices.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (11/15/2023; REPORTED)
HB 179
Vicarious Liability
Mathews, A. Stewart, B.
Relative to vicarious liability in tort actions and to provide that the tolling of the limitations period during the defendant's absence or concealment does not apply to statutes of repose.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
To prohibit a municipal corporation or charter county from imposing a curfew except in certain cases.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/13/2023)
Bathroom Facilities
Lear, B. Bird, A.
Regards single-sex bathroom access in primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (4/10/2024; REPORTED (See separate story))
Charitable Solicitations
Bird, A. Brennan, S.
Regards charitable solicitations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight (5/8/2024; CONTINUED)
Firearm Safety Devices
Brewer, D. Brennan, S.
To exempt from sales and use tax sales of firearm safety devices.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (10/17/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
Cutrona, A.
To exempt from the sales and use tax the sale of certain firearms and ammunition and to authorize nonrefundable tax credits for small arms and ammunition manufacturers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (10/3/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 195
Adaptive Mobility Dealers
Demetriou, S. Brennan, S.
To create an adaptive mobility dealer license.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
Month Designation
Blackshear, W. Jarrells, D.
To designate April as "Counseling Awareness Month."
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (6/6/2023; State & Local Government)
Student Expulsion
Click, G. Robb Blasdel, M.
With respect to the expulsion of a student from a public school for actions that endanger the health and safety of other students or school employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (11/28/2023; REPORTED-AMENDED)
Special Use Pools
Schmidt, J.
To designate the regulatory responsibilities regarding special use pools.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (6/5/2024; CONTINUED)
Public Meetings
Gross, J.
To name this act the Free to Speak Act and to require a public body to permit members of the public to comment or testify about matters of public concern before the public body at its public meeting.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (6/25/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
HB 214
Holmes, A.
To enact the "Religious Expression Days" or "R.E.D." Act to require each public school to adopt a policy that reasonably accommodates the sincerely held religious beliefs and practices of students; to require each public school to adopt a policy regarding certain expectations related to the performance of staff member professional duties; and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/26/2024; Signed: July 26, 2024, Effective: October 23, 2024)
Bullying Policy
Lightbody, M. Williams, J.
To require the Department of Education to develop a process for requesting an investigation of a school's compliance with its policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
Gun Trigger Locks
Somani, A. Thomas, C.
To require that gun trigger locks be attached and provided with firearms sales by federally licensed firearms dealers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (10/31/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Firearm Regulations
Brewer, D. Upchurch, T.
To restore local authority to generally regulate firearms-related conduct.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (10/31/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
College Credit Plus Program
Bird, A. Brennan, S.
Regards the College Credit Plus Program.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (5/7/2024--Canceled)
Conversion Therapy
Lightbody, M.
To prohibit certain licensed health care professionals from engaging in conversion therapy for minor patients.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2023; Public Health Policy)
To require health care practitioners to provide information on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy to at risk patients and to name the act the Brenna Brossard SUDEP Awareness Act.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (1/24/2024; Health)
Drug and Human Trafficking
Abrams, C. Swearingen, D.
To increase penalties for drug trafficking above certain amounts and to prohibit organized trafficking of persons.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (6/12/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Crisis Telephone Line
Pavliga, G. Miller, A.
To establish a 9-8-8 suicide prevention and mental health crisis telephone line.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (10/4/2023)
To enact the Self-Defense Protection Act to create a pretrial procedure for a person asserting self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person's property.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (11/14/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
State Education Board
Fowler Arthur, S.
With regard to membership and election of State Board of Education members and to make changes regarding the State Board's public meetings.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House (9/12/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story); Primary & Secondary Education)
Patient Advocates
Lear, B. Miller, M.
To prohibit a congregate care setting from denying a patient or resident access to an advocate and to name this act the Never Alone Act.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/25/2024; Health)
All-Purpose Vehicles
Miller, K. Plummer, P.
To make changes to the laws governing all-purpose vehicles, off-highway motorcycles, snowmobiles, utility vehicles, and mini-trucks.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (6/12/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
Occupational Regulations
Fowler Arthur, S. Klopfenstein, R.
To revise and streamline the state's occupational regulations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight (2/28/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
School Chaplains
Stoltzfus, R.
To permit public schools to employ chaplains to provide support services.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/12/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
Adult Cabarets
King, A. Williams, J.
To prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (6/5/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Special Interest License Plate
Demetriou, S. Manchester, S.
To create the "Suicide Prevention" license plate.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (6/12/2024; REPORTED (No testimony))
Mental Health
Galonski, T. Hillyer, B.
To make changes to the law regarding involuntary treatment for persons with a mental illness subject to court order.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Behavioral Health (5/21/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED (See separate story) )
HB 250
Military Enlistment Seal
Miranda, J. Richardson, T.
To revise the Military Enlistment diploma seal, regarding the High School Financial Literacy Fund and standards and model curriculum for financial literacy, regarding public school cellular telephone policies, regarding grade band specifications for properly certified or licensed teachers, regarding an educational program for parents of preschool children who are blind or visually impaired, to make changes to the Pupil Transportation Pilot Program, to correct a reference from the State Board of Education to the Director of Education and Workforce, to amend the versions of sections 3301.079 and 3314.03 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that date, and to make an appropriation for the Adoption Grant Program.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
To make changes to the laws governing massage establishments and to establish a nontherapeutic massage registration and to amend the version of section 503.41 of the Revised Code scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/12/2023; Criminal Justice)
Organ Donations
Miller, K. Creech, R.
To require the Department of Natural Resources to inquire about organ donation under specified circumstances.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (4/24/2024; CONTINUED)
Virtual Meetings
Hoops, J.
To authorize certain public bodies to meet virtually.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
Tobacco Products
Carruthers, S.
To increase fines for repeatedly selling tobacco products to minors and to apply the public nuisance law to places where such sales occur.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (5/7/2024; CONTINUED)
Death Penalty
Schmidt, J. Miller, A.
To abolish the death penalty and to modify the number of jurors that may be challenged in cases where a defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (10/11/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Regards public utilities and competitive retail electric service.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Utilities (5/22/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
EMS Workers
Patton, T. Sweeney, B.
To make emergency medical services workers "public safety officers" under the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Pensions (10/24/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Public Records
Wiggam, S. Hall, T.
To exempt redaction request forms, affidavits, and the records of the work schedules of designated public service workers from disclosure under public records law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
School Safety
Wiggam, S.
To require school districts and schools to update emergency management plans to include evacuation procedures for individuals with disabilities and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (12/12/2023; CONTINUED)
School Board Members
Loychik, M.
To provide for primary elections for state and school district board of education members and move the election for state and school district board members from the nonpartisan ballot.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/26/2023; Government Oversight)
HB 269
Highway Designation
Holmes, A.
To designate a portion of State Route 60 in Muskingum County as the "Sgt Bradley J. Harper USMC Memorial Highway."
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
Concealed Handguns
Mathews, A. Pizzulli, J.
To allow a concealed handgun licensee to carry a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a building or structure that is not a courthouse but in which a courtroom is located if court is not in session.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/13/2023; Judiciary)
To revise the law governing the review of patient information in the Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System, to establish requirements on the prescribing and dispensing of opioid analgesics, to establish the Medical Marijuana Control Program Fund and provide for a cash transfer, and to amend the version of section 4723.481 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the changes to that section on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/26/2023; Health Provider Services)
Hillyer, B. Dean, B.
To allow an operator of a vessel to use a rearview mirror to observe water skiers, barefoot skiers, and others who are being towed by the vessel as an alternative to having an additional person in the vessel for observation purposes.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Transportation (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Registered Nurses
Ghanbari, H. Rogers, E.
To require hospitals to establish registered nurse staffing plans that protect patient safety, to create the Nursing Student Loan-to-Grant Program, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (5/7/2024; CONTINUED)
Liston, B. Carruthers, S.
Regards prescription drugs and medication switching.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (2/7/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
Criminal Sexual Conduct
Demetriou, S.
To enact the Innocence Act to prohibit an organization from failing to verify the age of a person attempting to access material that is obscene or harmful to juveniles, to prohibit a person from using another person's likeness to create sexual images of the other person, and to create a private right of action for each prohibited activity.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Opioid Use Treatment
Baker, R. Ray, S.
To establish a pilot program for remote treatment of opioid use disorder and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Behavioral Health (5/7/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
EMS Training
Hall, T. Santucci, N.
To establish a process for the revision of training subjects for EMS personnel.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/25/2024; Health)
Government Commission
Hall, T. Miller, M.
To create the State and Municipal Government Commission.
Text & Analysis
in House (10/24/2023; State & Local Government)
To prohibit a federally licensed firearms dealer from transferring a firearm until at least ten days have elapsed since the dealer has contacted the national instant criminal background check system and the dealer has received a unique identification number.
Text & Analysis
in House (10/31/2023; Government Oversight)
Firearms Training
Callender, J. Mathews, A.
To provide firearms training for fire investigators; to permit such an investigator who has received that training and has been specifically authorized to carry firearms while on duty; to grant such an investigator the same right to carry a concealed handgun in this state as a concealed handgun licensee; and to amend the version of section 109.73 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (2/6/2024; REPORTED)
Hall, T. Seitz, B.
To make various township law changes and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 93-0)
Medical Interventions
Gross, J. Wiggam, S.
To prohibit discrimination against an individual for the refusal of certain medical interventions for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions, and to name this act the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (6/18/2024)
9-1-1 Database
Click, G. Lorenz, B.
To establish a statewide 9-1-1 special needs database.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (5/1/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Marijuana Taxation
Abrams, C.
To express the General Assembly's intent to use revenue from a tax on adult use marijuana to fund peace officer training.
Text & Analysis
in House (11/14/2023; Homeland Security)
Catalytic Converters
Roemer, B. Plummer, P.
Regards the sale of used catalytic converters, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 93-2 (Gross, Powell))
Same-sex Marriage
Miranda, J. Galonski, T.
To reconcile Ohio with federal law regarding same-sex marriage and provide for the right to interracial marriage.
Text & Analysis
in House (11/28/2023; State & Local Government)
Dental Services
Schmidt, J. Miller, A.
To prohibit a health benefit plan and the Medicaid program from denying a claim for dental services on the basis of the age of the patient.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (5/22/2024)
Click, G.
To revise the law regarding adult use marijuana.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/5/2023; Finance)
Regards abortion, abortion-related laws, and reproductive health protections; to amend the version of section 3702.30 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024; and to repeal the version of section 5103.11 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after those dates.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/5/2023; Public Health Policy)
Auto Sears
Dell'Aquila, R.
To create the offense of unlawful manufacture, purchase, or sale of an auto sear.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/5/2023; Criminal Justice)
Farming Equipment Taxes
Jones, D.
To presume certain trailers and vehicles are sold for agricultural purposes and thus exempt from sales and use tax when sold to established farmers.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (5/22/2024; Ways & Means)
Student Incentives
Seitz, B. Isaacsohn, D.
To establish pilot programs to increase student attendance and graduation rates through financial awards and incentives, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (1/16/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Child Welfare
Baker, R. Carruthers, S.
To establish the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Commission.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/11/2024; Health)
Recreational Marijuana
Callender, J.
To modify the law governing the cultivation, processing, dispensing, testing, and taxation of adult use cannabis and to levy a gross receipts tax on marijuana cultivators.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (12/13/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Health Screenings
Carruthers, S.
Regards cardiac monitoring for youth and to name the act the Healthy Cardiac Monitoring Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (6/18/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Text Messaging
Ghanbari, H.
To enact the Safe and Reliable Texting Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Technology & Innovation (6/26/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Teaching Permits
Abrams, C. Santucci, N.
To expand eligibility for a 40-hour teaching permit.
Text & Analysis
in House (1/9/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Nurse Anesthetists
Baker, R. Robb Blasdel, M.
To revise the law governing the practice of certified registered nurse anesthetists
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (5/14/2024; CONTINUED)
Retail Theft
Ghanbari, H.
To enact the Fight Organized Retail Crime and Empower Law Enforcement (FORCE) Act to create the Organized Retail Theft Advisory Council and an investigative task force, to modify theft offenses and penalties related to retail property, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 69-24)
Ohio Constitution
Dean, B. Gross, J.
To enact the Issue 1 Implementation Act.
Text & Analysis
in House (1/9/2024; Civil Justice)
To phase-out the state income tax on nonbusiness income over six years and to repeal the commercial activity tax after 2029.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (5/14/2024; CONTINUED)
Academic Distress Commissions
McNally, L. Brent, J.
To dissolve existing academic distress commissions, to repeal the law that creates new commissions, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/6/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Capital Punishment
Stewart, B. Plummer, P.
To add nitrogen hypoxia as a method of execution and to prohibit the disclosure of execution identifying information.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (5/21/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Higher Education
Holmes, A.
To prohibit state institutions of higher education from requiring individuals to commit to specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (4/24/2024; CONTINUED)
To provide Medigap policies for Medicare-eligible individuals under the age of 65.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Income Tax Credit
Dell'Aquila, R.
To authorize a refundable income tax credit for disability related home expenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
Scholarship Programs
Manning, G. Seitz, B.
Regarding chartered nonpublic schools that participate in certain scholarship programs and disciplinary record requirements for schools and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/4/2024; CONTINUED)
Teacher Salary
Miller, J.
To increase the base teacher salary to $50,000.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/2/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Domestic Violence
Grim, M. Abdullahi, M.
To enact the Keeping Our Survivors Safe Act to prohibit a person who is charged with or has been convicted of first degree misdemeanor domestic violence from possessing a firearm or dangerous ordnance.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/2/2024; Criminal Justice)
Concealed Carry
Brown, R. Isaacsohn, D.
Regards a concealed handgun licensee's duty to carry the license and notify a law enforcement officer if the licensee is carrying a concealed handgun and the rights of a qualifying adult to carry a concealed handgun in the same manner as if the person was a licensee, and to rename concealed handgun licenses as basic competency licenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Firearm Transfers
Robinson, P. Isaacsohn, D.
To require a firearm transfer to be made through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require a background check when a firearm is transferred.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/2/2024; Government Oversight)
Firearm Violence Prevention
Brewer, D. Abdullahi, M.
To establish the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention within the Department of Children and Youth, to require the Office to administer grant programs aimed at reducing firearm violence, to name this act the "Building Safer Communities for Ohio's Children Act," and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (5/8/2024; CONTINUED)
Gun Task Force
Brewer, D.
To establish the Ohio Task Force on Gun Violence.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/16/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Minimum Wage
Jarrells, D. Lipps, S.
To phase out the subminimum wage for individuals with physical or mental disabilities and to name this act the Ohio Employment First and Greater Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/16/2024; CONTINUED)
Career-Technical Education
Jones, D.
Regards the teaching of career-technical education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
To prohibit carrying mass casualty weapons.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Loychik, M.
To establish the Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Accelerator Pilot Program and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Remote Services
Fowler Arthur, S. Lear, B.
Regards the provision of remote services for special needs scholarship recipients and regarding credentialed professionals who may provide services under the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/4/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
Hospital Safety
White, A. Baker, R.
Regards hospital violence prevention and related training, security plans, and incident reporting.
Text & Analysis
in House Public Health Policy (6/26/2024; 71-20 (Earlier: REPORTED))
Student Grants
Troy, D. Brennan, S.
To enact the Student Choice Grant Program and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (5/7/2024--Canceled)
Child Medical Records
Click, G.
To medical records of minors and to name the act the My Child-My Chart Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
School Organizations
Klopfenstein, R. Brennan, S.
Regards the presentation of information on patriotic organizations to students in public schools and to amend section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/4/2024; CONTINUED)
State Commissions
Robb Blasdel, M. Jones, D.
To create the Ohio River Commission of Ohio.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Economic & Workforce Development (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
State Assessments
Miller, J.
To require the Department of Education to conduct an annual audit regarding state assessments.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/23/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Regulatory Relief Office
Cutrona, A. Hillyer, B.
To create a regulatory relief office within the Department of Commerce and establish a universal regulatory sandbox program under which the office may temporarily waive certain state laws and regulations and allow businesses to demonstrate innovative products and services.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Economic & Workforce Development (6/18/2024; CONTINUED)
Child Care
White, A. Roemer, B.
To establish certain child care grant programs, including those related to child care capacity and learning labs, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (5/8/2024; CONTINUED)
Internet Safety
Young, T. Plummer, P.
Regards a school internet safety policy and instruction on the effects of social media in public schools and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/23/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Government Expenditures
Young, T. Peterson, B.
To require a political subdivision or state retirement system to provide information on expenditures to the Treasurer of State for inclusion in the Ohio State and Local Government Expenditure Database.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
Reproductive Care
Somani, A. Piccolantonio
To protect assisted reproduction care.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/30/2024; Public Health Policy)
Feral Swine
Peterson, B. Jones, D.
To prohibit certain activities regarding garbage-fed swine, feral swine, and wild boar.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/25/2024; Agriculture & Natural Resources)
Liquor Control
Pavliga, G.
To require alcohol server training and to provide immunity from civil liability to those who successfully complete and implement the training and to name this act Hayden's Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (6/4/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Overdose Reversal Drugs
Jarrells, D.
Regards school policies on the administration of overdose reversal drugs.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/30/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Prescription Drug Rebates
Barhorst, T. Baker, R.
To apply prescription drug rebates to cost-sharing requirements.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (6/18/2024; CONTINUED)
Child Placement
Pavliga, G.
To create a streamlined licensure process for emergency placement facilities for children and to require the Ohio Family and Children First Cabinet Council to work with stakeholders to develop treatment and placement solutions for children with developmental or intellectual challenges and high acuity behaviors.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families & Aging (6/11/2024; REPORTED (No testimony))
Carruthers, S.
To modify definitions and criminal and professional disciplinary provisions relating to HIV or AIDS and to amend the versions of sections 2950.11 and 2950.13 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/7/2024; Criminal Justice)
Physical Education Requirements
Young, T. Miller, M.
To permit students to use club sports or other athletic activity to fulfill the high school physical education requirement.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Repeat Firearm Offenders
Willis, B. Williams, J.
To enact the Repeat Offender Act to create a repeat offender classification, to create certain specifications, to increase the penalties for certain firearm offenses and specifications, to broaden the scope of relief from firearms disability, and to allow automatic sealing for fourth and fifth degree felonies.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Criminal Justice)
Civil Rights Law
Skindell, M.
To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Civil Justice)
Assault Victims
Brennan, S. Pizzulli, J.
Regards the penalty for assault when the victim is a school employee or volunteer.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
To provide an exemption from the smoking ban for cigar bars.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Civil Justice)
Crime Victims
Lear, B. Lorenz, B.
To enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion and aggravated sexual extortion and to allow family of certain victims of aggravated sexual extortion to receive compensation from the crime victims compensation fund.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 96-0)
Child Safety
Cross, J. Miller, K.
To make failure to wear a seat belt and failure to properly secure a child in the appropriate booster seat or seat belt a primary offense, rather than a secondary offense, and to make other specified changes regarding those offenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (6/25/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To regulate the practice of certified nursemidwives, certified midwives, and licensed midwives.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Provider Services (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Wiggam, S.
To prohibit persons who are unlawfully present in the United States from possessing firearms.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
To establish a process by which an abandoned or derelict aircraft may be sold.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (6/4/2024; CONTINUED)
Public Nuisance
Mathews, A.
To prohibit certain public nuisance actions.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Civil Justice)
Criminal Liability
Mathews, A.
To create criminal liability for certain teachers and librarians for the offense of pandering obscenity.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Criminal Justice)
Food Regulation
Abdullahi, M. Young, T.
To require food service operations to denote certain allergens on their menu.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Commerce & Labor)
Implicit Bias Training
Miller, J. Brewer, D.
Regards implicit bias training for licensed educators, to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Community Schools
Brennan, S. Sims, V.
To prohibit for-profit operators of community schools.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Oil and Gas Drilling
Brennan, S.
To require horizontal oil and gas well owners that drill in state parks to disclose the chemical components of the materials used in the drilling operation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Energy & Natural Resources (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Commercial Driver's License
Mohamed, I. Daniels, J.
To shorten the time that points remain on a person's commercial driver's license or permit and to allow such drivers to take the remedial driving course more frequently.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/25/2024)
To enact the EdChoice Fair Fiscal Responsibility Act to revise the operations of the Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Joint Education Oversight Committee
Robinson, P. Miller, J.
To reinstate the Joint Education Oversight Committee and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Student Safety
White, A.
To require schools and higher education institutions to include the national suicide and crisis lifeline telephone number on student identification cards, student planners, and electronic portals, and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Behavioral Health (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
School Audits
White, A.
To require the Chancellor of Higher Education to conduct an audit of educator preparation programs to determine what instruction they are providing to students on mental and behavioral health, behavior management, and classroom management, and to make recommendations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (6/25/2024; REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE)
Chartered Nonpublic Schools
Isaacsohn, D. Robinson, P.
To enact the Private School Accountability and Transparency Act regarding financial, reporting, and other requirements applicable to chartered nonpublic schools.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Charter Schools
Piccolantonio Isaacsohn, D.
To enact the Charter School Oversight Act.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
To prohibit the Superintendent of Insurance from prohibiting certain forms of solicitation of Medicare supplement policies.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Insurance)
Drug Prices
Holmes, A. John, M.
To prohibit drug manufacturers and wholesalers from taking certain actions regarding reimbursements made to 340B covered entities.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Public Health Policy)
School Report Cards
Brennan, S. Baker, R.
To enact the Charter School Sponsor and Operator Rating Act regarding report cards for community school sponsors and operators.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
School Report Cards
Piccolantonio Brewer, D.
To enact the School Rating Enhancement Act to establish state report cards for chartered nonpublic schools that enroll state scholarship students and to establish the State Report Card Review Committee
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Prescription Coverage
Robinson, P.
To require health benefit plans and the Medicaid Program to cover epinephrine and glucagon for individuals eighteen years of age and younger and to cap cost sharing for epinephrine and glucagon in any form.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Insurance)
State Fish Designation
Brennan, S. Swearingen, D.
To designate the walleye as the official fish of the state.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 93-4 (Callender, Creech, Willis, Young))
College Campuses
Pizzulli, J. Jarrells, D.
To enact the Campus Accountability and Modernization to Protect University Students "CAMPUS" Act regarding the prevention of racial, religious, and ethnic bias, harassment, and intimidation at institutions of higher education, regarding antisemitism prevention policies at state agencies, to establish different campus safety and community programs, and to make appropriations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (6/25/2024; SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD)
Capital Appropriations
Edwards, J.
To provide authorization and conditions for the operation of certain state programs, to make capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026, to make other appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (6/20/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED (See separate story) )
Vehicle Emissions Check
Demetriou, S. Roemer, B.
To create an alternative method to certify compliance with the E-Check program, to eliminate the authority to declare an air pollution emergency, and to name this act the ECheck Ease Act.
Text & Analysis
in House (7/15/2024)
To require the Director of Agriculture to adopt recommendations regarding adult-use hemp products.
Text & Analysis
in House (7/18/2024)
Constitutional Rights
Ferguson, R. Santucci, N.
Proposing to enact Section 22 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to establish a constitutional right to hunt and fish.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Energy & Natural Resources (12/13/2023; REPORTED-AMENDED (See separate story))
Department of Education
Reineke, B.
To rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce, to create the position of Director of Education and Workforce and to reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Economic & Workforce Development (5/9/2023; CONTINUED)
Property Tax
Schuring, K.
To authorize certain subdivisions to designate areas within which certain residential property is wholly or partially exempted from property taxation.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (5/10/2023; Ways & Means)
Workforce Voucher Program
Schuring, K.
To establish the Workforce Voucher Program, to terminate the provisions of the Voucher Program two years after the bill's effective date by repealing sections 122.157, 122.158, and 3313.473 of the Revised Code on that date, to authorize tax credits for graduates of the Voucher Program, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (1/17/2023; Workforce & Higher Education)
Month and Grant Designation
Schuring, K.
To designate April as "Powerboat Safety Month" and to increase, from $30,000 to $60,000, the maximum annual grant amount that the Division of Parks and Watercraft may award to certain entities for boating safety education programs.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (1/17/2023; Veterans & Public Safety)
Medical Marijuana
Huffman, S. Schuring, K.
To amend the law related to medical marijuana.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (9/20/2023)
School Vouchers
O'Brien, S.
To enact the Parent Educational Freedom Act to expand eligibility for Educational Choice scholarships, to cease the operation of the Pilot Project Scholarship Program on July 1, 2023, and to increase the income tax credit for homeschooling expenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (3/7/2023; CONTINUED)
Liquor Permits
Hoagland, F.
To allow a person to distill, serve, and ship homemade spirituous liquor without a liquor permit.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources (3/28/2023)
SB 17
School Curriculum
Wilson, S.
To incorporate free market capitalism content into the high school financial literacy and entrepreneurship standards and model curriculum and with regard to financial literacy course credit and license validation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/13/2024; Signed: March 13, 2024, Effective: June 10, 2024)
Civil Litigation Advances
Wilson, S.
To amend the law regarding the non-recourse civil litigation advance business.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/6/2023; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
To change the laws pertaining to operating a vehicle or watercraft while under the influence of marihuana and the admissibility of evidence for purposes of OVI statutes.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (5/9/2023; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
SB 28
Physician Assistant Compact
Roegner, K.
To enter into the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
SB 29
Student Data Privacy
Huffman, S.
Regards education records and student data privacy.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Minor Labor Laws
Schaffer, T.
To allow a person under sixteen years of age to be employed after 7 p.m. during the school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/9/2023; REPORTED (No testimony) (See separate story))
Civil Immunity
Schaffer, T.
To generally grant civil immunity for certain injuries to a person who acts in self-defense or defense of another during the commission, or imminent commission, of an offense of violence to protect the members or guests of a nonprofit corporation under certain circumstances.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (6/18/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Retail Sales
Blessing, L.
To require retail merchants to give customers the option to pay by cash.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Small Business & Economic Opportunity (2/22/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 40
Medical Occupations
Roegner, K.
To enter into the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Occupational Licensing
Brenner, A.
To require a state occupational licensing agency to accept electronic license applications.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/20/2023; State & Local Government)
Motor Fuel Tax
Huffman, S.
To reduce the tax rate on certain motor fuel.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Transportation (2/28/2023; CONTINUED)
Religious Expression
Reynolds, M.
To enact the Religious Expression Days "R.E.D." Act to require each kindergarten through 12 public school to adopt a policy providing students, teachers, and staff with religious accommodations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (12/5/2023)
Month Designation
Antonio, N. Manning, N.
To designate May as "Ohio Stroke Awareness Month."
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (4/19/2023; CONTINUED)
To prohibit requiring fees or firearms liability insurance for the possession of firearms, or fees for the possession of knives.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (10/11/2023; CONTINUED)
Sun Lamp Tanning
Johnson, T.
To prohibit the provision of sun lamp tanning services to individuals under age 18.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (9/13/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Mental Health Assistants
Gavarone, T.
To license certified mental health assistants and to amend the version of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (6/26/2024; 20-11 (Earlier: REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE))
Student Records
Ingram, C.
To require public and private schools to transmit a transferred student's records within five school days.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (3/28/2023; CONTINUED)
To restore local authority to generally regulate firearms-related conduct.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Veterans & Public Safety (5/30/2023; CONTINUED)
Dropout Prevention
Reynolds, M.
Regards dropout prevention and recovery community schools.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (3/28/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 81
Health Professionals
Romanchuk, M.
To authorize certain advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants to sign documents related to psychiatric inpatients; to revise the law governing the Board of Nursing's monitoring of impaired practitioners; and to modify the law governing insurance navigators and to amend the version of section 4723.431 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the changes to that section on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/21/2024; Signed: June 21, 2024, Effective: September 30, 2024)
Higher Education
Cirino, J.
To enact the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (12/6/2023; REPORTED (See separate story))
SB 90
Social Work Licensure Compact
Roegner, K.
To enter into the Social Work Licensure Compact.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
SB 91
Public Funds
Schaffer, T.
Regards fraud, waste, and abuse of public funds and to prohibit the expenditure of local tax revenues upon a vote of residents or without an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/28/2023; Signed: December 28, 2023, Effective: March 26, 2024)
Regards doula services.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/29/2023; Health)
Death Penalty
Antonio, N. Huffman, S.
To abolish the death penalty and to modify the number of jurors that may be challenged in cases where a defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (11/15/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Utility Ratemaking
Wilkin, S.
Regards public utilities and competitive retail electric and natural gas services.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Energy & Public Utilities (12/5/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED (See separate story))
Kratom Products
Blessing, L.
Regards sales of kratom products.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (11/15/2023; CONTINUED)
College Credit Plus Program
Cirino, J. Brenner, A.
Regards the College Credit Plus Program.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 60-31 (AMENDED))
Mental Health Services
Johnson, T. Sykes, V.
Regards the composition of boards of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services; the authority of the boards; and the requirements for operation of recovery housing residences.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Community Revitalization (4/9/2024; CONTINUED)
SB 106
Workers' Compensation
Schaffer, T.
Regards workers' compensation coverage for testing when certain medical professionals are exposed to chemical substances or bodily fluids in the course of employment and regarding medical release forms for workers' compensation claims.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/13/2024; Signed: March 13, 2024, Effective: June 10, 2024)
Sex Offenses
Hackett, B.
Regards sex offenses and individuals regulated by the State Medical Board and to amend the version of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect December 29, 2023, to continue the change on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
SB 112
School Safety
Rulli, M.
To require school buildings to comply with national life safety standards and to name this act the Ohio Childhood Safety Act.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Unemployment Compensation Law
Lang, G. Romanchuk, M.
To make changes to Ohio's Unemployment Compensation Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (6/7/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Schaffer, T.
To exempt from the sales and use tax the sale of certain firearms and ammunition and to authorize nonrefundable tax credits for small arms and ammunition manufacturers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (10/3/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Noncompete Agreements
Johnson, T.
Regards the use of noncompete provisions in certain health care professional employment contracts with nonprofit hospitals.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (1/24/2024; CONTINUED)
Sexual Assault
Kunze, S. Manning, N.
To eliminate the spousal exceptions for the offenses of rape, sexual battery, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, gross sexual imposition, sexual imposition, and importuning and to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/7/2023; Judiciary)
For-Profit Schools
Ingram, C.
To require disclosure of the for-profit status of community school operators and post-secondary educational institutions on various promotional materials and contracts for employment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (5/7/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
Cirino, J.
To revise the law governing the practice of optometry and to amend the versions of sections 4725.13, 4725.18, and 4725.26 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the changes on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/12/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Month Designation
Craig, H. Wilson, S.
To change the designation for "Ohio Deaf History Month" to the Month of April.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Antonio, N.
To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (9/13/2023; Government Oversight)
Alcohol Franchise Law
Brenner, A.
To revise the Alcohol Franchise Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources (12/12/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
SB 144
Health Care
Romanchuk, M.
Regards immunizations administered by pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and pharmacy technicians; regarding certificates of need and change of operator procedures for nursing homes; regarding the per Medicaid day payment rate for specified ICFs/IID; regarding medication aides and certified nurse aides, including competency evaluation programs and training and competency evaluation programs; regarding nursing home quality improvement projects; regarding conditional employment in homes and adult day care programs; regarding grants provided to adult day care providers, and regarding the Ohio Medical Quality Foundation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/25/2024; Signed: July 25, 2024, Effective: October 22, 2024; With line-item veto.)
Minimum Wage
Smith, K. Craig, H.
To increase the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (9/27/2023; CONTINUED)
Firearms Purchases
Johnson, T.
Relates to payment card transactions involving firearms and ammunition retailers and to name this act the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Financial Institutions (6/18/2024; SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD)
Property Valuations
Lang, G. Johnson, T.
To temporarily modify the method for valuing farmland and other real property for tax purposes.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (10/11/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
SB 156
Scenic Rivers
Reineke, B.
To revise the law governing the designation of wild, scenic, and recreational rivers.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Motor Vehicles
Lang, G.
To modify the law governing debt suspension products, extended wear and use waivers, motor vehicle ancillary product protection contracts, and vehicle protection agreements.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/26/2024; 30-1 (Ingram))
Academic Intervention
Brenner, A.
Regards to academic intervention services at each public school and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
in House (1/9/2024; Primary & Secondary Education)
Craig, H.
To enact the Suicide Self-Defense Act, relative to the creation of a do not possess firearms registry.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Veterans & Public Safety (1/24/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Catalytic Converters
Johnson, T.
Regards the sale of used catalytic converters, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/13/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 168
Education Regulation
Reynolds, M.
Regards to education regulation reform and to amend the versions of sections 3301.0714 and 3314.03 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Universal Health Care
DeMora, B. Hicks-Hudson, P.
To establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all Ohio residents.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
To prohibit a person who is charged with or has been convicted of first degree misdemeanor domestic violence from possessing a firearm or dangerous ordnance.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/6/2023; Judiciary)
Firearms Dealers
Craig, H. Sykes, V.
To limit liability for federally licensed firearms dealers in regards to firearm hold agreements.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/6/2023; Judiciary)
Firearm Safety
Craig, H. Sykes, V.
To authorize a nonrefundable income tax credit for the cost of handgun training and firearms storage and locking devices.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (1/24/2024; CONTINUED)
Advanced Practice Nurses
Roegner, K.
Regards the authority of advanced practice registered nurses, and to amend the version of section 3705.30 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the changes to that section on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Health (6/26/2024; 30-1 (Antani) (Earlier: REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE))
Mobile Food Services
Hicks-Hudson, P.
To require state and local fire code officials to accept an inspection conducted or permit issued by another jurisdiction as conclusive evidence of a mobile food service operation's compliance with the fire code.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight (4/10/2024; CONTINUED)
Substance Use
Johnson, T.
With regard to instruction in the harmful effects of and legal restrictions against drug abuse, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and tobacco in schools
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (5/21/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Hackett, B.
To establish a process by which an abandoned or derelict aircraft may be sold.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/18/2024; Civil Justice)
To increase the penalty for failure to report a lost or stolen firearm.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Veterans & Public Safety (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
To phase-out the state income tax on nonbusiness income over six years and to repeal the commercial activity tax after 2029.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (1/24/2024; Ways & Means)
Organized Retail Crime
Lang, G. Rulli, M.
To enact the Fight Organized Retail Crime and Empower Law Enforcement (FORCE) Act to create the Organized Retail Theft Advisory Council and an investigative task force, to modify theft offenses and penalties related to retail property, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (5/22/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
SB 225
Date Designation
Roegner, K.
To designate September 22 as Veterans Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Agricultural Land
Johnson, T.
To extend the law that prohibits certain governments, businesses, and individuals from acquiring agricultural land to certain other property and to name this act the Ohio Property Protection Act.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/26/2024; 30-1 (DeMora))
Month Designation
Gavarone, T.
To designate May as "Food Allergy Awareness Month."
Text & Analysis
in Senate Health (6/26/2024; 31-0 (Earlier: REPORTED))
Property Tax Exemptions
O'Brien, S.
To expand the charitable use property tax exemption.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
To revise the law governing coroners and death certificates.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
Minimum Wage
Blessing, L.
To modify the state's earned income tax credit, to increase the basic state minimum hourly wage, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
Athlete Bullying
Gavarone, T.
Regarding participation in interscholastic athletics for students subjected to harassment, intimidation, bullying, or other offenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
School Property Acquisitions
Ingram, C.
To eliminate the right of first refusal for certain schools in the acquisition of school district real property.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (5/22/2024; Education)
Drug Prices
Hackett, B.
To prohibit drug manufacturers and wholesalers from taking certain actions regarding reimbursements made to 340B covered entities.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/26/2024; CONTINUED)
Electric Utilities
Dolan, M.
Regards virtual net metering and meter aggregation
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Energy & Public Utilities (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
To modify the regulation and taxation of medical marijuana, adult use cannabis, and hemp.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/11/2024; General Government)
Ohio River Commissions
Wilkin, S.
To create the Ohio River Commission.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Operating Appropriations
Dolan, M.
To make certain supplemental operating appropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2025.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Finance (6/12/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
Capital Appropriations
Dolan, M.
To provide authorization and conditions for the operation of certain state programs, to make capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026, to make other appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/25/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story); Finance)
School Closures
Brenner, A.
To declare the General Assembly's intent to revise the closure requirements for poor-performing community schools and school buildings operated by a school district.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/25/2024; Education)
Natural Gas
Rulli, M.
To recognize that natural gas and its production industry are vital to Ohio's economic future and to urge continued investment in natural gas infrastructure to make affordable energy available to every Ohioan.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (4/24/2024; 32-0 (AMENDED))
Expresses the Senate's opposition to Issue 1, the proposed constitutional amendment regarding abortion.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (10/11/2023; 22-7)
Expresses the Ohio Senate's opposition to Issue 2, which would legalize the use and retail sale of recreational marijuana.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (10/11/2023; 22-7)
Daylight Saving Time
Creech, R. Peterson, B.
To urge Congress to make daylight saving time the permanent standard time
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
To recognize the impact of the lifeguard shortage in Ohio and encourage individuals to consider a career as a lifeguard.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Economic & Workforce Development (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Great Lakes Restoration
Patton, T. Skindell, M.
To urge the United States Congress to enact the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2024.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 97-0)
Perinatal Mental Health
Somani, A. Ray, S.
Recognizing the importance of perinatal mental health.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Behavioral Health (5/21/2024; REPORTED)
Veteran Mental Health Treatments
Schaffer, T.
To urge the U.S. Congress to support the provision of prompt and comprehensive mental health treatment to military personnel and veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other service-related stress disorders.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Armed Services & Veterans Affairs (6/25/2024; REPORTED (No testimony))
Title IX
Brenner, A.
To urge Congress and the President of the United States, along with the United States Department of Education to exclude sexual orientation and gender identity from Title IX.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
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