Tracking Status Report
Greg Lestini
Tracking group: AOLIC
organ donors
Hicks-Hudson, P.
To prohibit insurers from discriminating against living organ donors.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance Committee (12/1/2020; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
employee earnings
Kelly, B. Vitale, N.
To require an employer to provide earnings and deductions statements to each of the employer's employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Transportation, Commerce & Workforce Committee (3/4/2020; CONTINUED)
Schaffer, T.
To grant civil immunity to nonprofit corporations and persons associated with them for certain injuries, deaths, or losses resulting from the carrying of handguns.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House (12/16/2020; REPORTED-AMENDED (No testimony))
HB 166
state budget
Oelslager, S.
To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2021, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/18/2019; Signed: July 18, 2019 with vetoes; Delivered to the governor July 17, 2019)
concealed weapons
Hood, R. Brinkman, T.
To modify the Weapons Law by renaming a concealed handgun license as a concealed weapons license, allowing a concealed weapons licensee to carry concealed all deadly weapons not otherwise prohibited by law, repealing a notice requirement applicable to licensees stopped for a law enforcement purpose, authorizing expungement of convictions of a violation of that requirement, allowing a person age 21 or older and not prohibited by federal law from firearm possession to carry a concealed deadly weapon without needing a license subject to the same carrying laws as a licensee, and correcting the definition of dangerous ordnance mistakenly resulting from Am. Sub. H.B. 228 of the 132nd General Assembly.
Text & Analysis
in House (3/27/2019)
concealed weapons
Hood, R. Brinkman, T.
To modify the Weapons Law by renaming a concealed handgun license as a concealed weapons license, allowing a concealed weapons licensee to carry concealed all deadly weapons not otherwise prohibited by law, repealing a notice requirement applicable to licensees stopped for a law enforcement purpose, authorizing expungement of convictions of a violation of that requirement, and allowing a person age 21 or older and not prohibited by federal law from firearm possession to carry a concealed deadly weapon without needing a license subject to the same carrying laws as a licensee.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice Committee (6/4/2020--Canceled)
HB 197
tax revisions
Powell, J. Merrin, D.
To enact the "Tax Code Streamlining and Correction Act" to make technical and corrective changes to the laws governing taxation, makes other changes regarding the COVID-19 emergency and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/27/2020; Signed: March 27, 2020; Effective: March 27, 2020)
ledger technology
Carfagna, R. Blessing, L.
To allow a governmental entity to utilize distributed ledger technology, including blockchain technology.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/9/2020; Transportation, Commerce & Workforce Committee)
wage discrimination
Boyd, J. Crawley, E.
To require the Ohio Civil Rights Commission to establish a system for individuals to make anonymous complaints regarding wage discrimination.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice Committee (6/18/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
whistleblower laws
Cera, J. Scherer, G.
To revise Ohio's whistleblower protection laws.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice Committee (2/26/2020; REPORTED (No testimony))
contract limitations
Lang, G. Hillyer, B.
To shorten the period of limitations for actions upon a contract and to make changes to the borrowing statute pertaining to applicable periods of limitations.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/9/2020; 28-1 (Coley) AMENDED; EMERGENCY 28-1 (Coley))
unclaimed funds
Merrin, D.
To create the Unclaimed Funds Reform Act.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/30/2020; Finance Committee)
HB 272
personal jurisdiction
Oelslager, S. Hillyer, B.
To expand the basis of a court's exercise of personal jurisdiction to include any basis consistent with the Ohio Constitution and the United States Constitution, to prohibit a public official from ordering the closure of all places of worship in a geographic area, and to prohibit a public official from changing the time, place, or manner of conducting an election, except in certain circumstances.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(9/16/2020; Signed: September 16, 2020; Effective: in 90 days)
sex offenses
Boggs, K. Galonski, T.
To eliminate the spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses, to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses, to eliminate the period of limitation for the criminal prosecution of a person for rape and for a civil action brought by a victim of conduct that would constitute rape, and to amend the versions of sections 2907.02 and 2907.05 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect March 22, 2020, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice Committee (12/8/2020; CONTINUED)
health care
Skindell, M. Kent, B.
To establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all Ohio residents.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Committee (9/10/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 295
electric scooters
Hoops, J. O'Brien, M.
To establish requirements governing low-speed micromobility devices and to make other changes to the law related to special modes of transportation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/13/2021; Signed: January 13, 2021, Effective: in 90 days)
child abuse
Kent, B.
To modify the period of limitation for prosecution of offenses involving child abuse and neglect.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice Committee (12/8/2020; CONTINUED (No testimony))
To enact the Ohio Equal Pay Act to require state contractors and economic incentive recipients to obtain an equal pay certificate, to require public employers to establish a job evaluation system to identify and eliminate sex-based wage disparities, to prohibit employers from seeking a prospective employee's wage or salary history, and to prohibit employer retaliation against an employee who discusses salary or wage rates with another employee.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor Committee (12/1/2020; CONTINUED)
HB 308
PTSD coverage
Patton, T.
To provide compensation and benefits to first responders with post-traumatic stress disorder and to study the financial and administrative requirements for that fund.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/9/2021; Signed: January 9, 2021, Effective: in 90 days)
suicide prevention
Liston, B.
To require federally licensed firearms dealers to provide suicide prevention information to the purchaser of a firearm.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Committee (12/15/2020; CONTINUED)
firearm orders
Sweeney, B.
To enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act to allow family members, household members, and law enforcement officers to obtain a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health Committee (11/10/2020; CONTINUED)
firearm sales
Miller, A.
To enact the Protect Law Enforcement Act to require a firearm transfer to be made through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require a background check when a firearm is transferred.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government Committee (12/8/2020; CONTINUED)
firearms conduct
West, T. Miller, A.
To restore local authority to generally regulate firearms related conduct.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government Committee (12/1/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
firearms transfers
West, T.
To prohibit a federally licensed firearms dealer from Transferring a firearm while a background check is pending unless 30 days have elapsed.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government Committee (12/1/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
tort actions
Miller, A.
To raise the limitations on damages for noneconomic loss and punitive damages in certain tort actions based on adjustments for inflation from the year 2005 to 2019.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/24/2019; Civil Justice Committee)
domestic violence
Lepore-Hagan, M. Boyd, J.
To require a person who is subject to a civil or criminal domestic violence temporary protection order to surrender the person's firearms.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice Committee (12/8/2020; CONTINUED)
HB 339
insurance laws
Merrin, D.
To enact the "Insurance Code Correction Act" to make technical and corrective changes to the laws governing insurance.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(10/13/2020; Signed: October 13, 2020)
protection orders
Miller, A.
To prohibit a person subject to a protection order from purchasing or receiving a firearm for the duration of the order.
Text & Analysis
in House (10/1/2019; Civil Justice Committee)
firearm magazines
Weinstein, C.
To generally prohibit a person from possessing a large capacity magazine and to establish a large capacity magazine registry.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice Committee (12/8/2020; CONTINUED)
To require certain agencies to reduce the number of regulatory restrictions in their administrative rules, to require the approval of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review for Department of Health orders to be effective for more than fourteen days, and to modify the Department's rulemaking authority.
Text & Analysis
Informally Passed
in House (12/17/2020)
SB 7
occupational licensing
Lehner, P. Hackett, B.
To require state occupational licensing agencies, under certain circumstances, to issue temporary licenses or certificates to members of the military and spouses who are licensed in another jurisdiction and have moved to Ohio for military duty.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/27/2020; Signed: January 27, 2020)
SB 39
insurance tax
Schuring, K.
To authorize an insurance premiums tax credit for capital contributions to transformational mixed use development projects.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/29/2020; Signed: December 29, 2020, Effective: in 90 days)
SB 52
cyber security
Gavarone, T.
To create the civilian cyber security reserve forces, to make the Secretary of State a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, to require the Secretary of State to appoint a chief information security officer, to require the boards of elections to audit election results, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(10/25/2019; Signed: October 25, 2019; Effective: In 90 days)
Roegner, K.
To clarify that certain firearms are not "dangerous ordnance" and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (2/26/2019; Bill: 24-8; Emergency: 24-8; Earlier REPORTED)
long-term care
Maharath, T.
To create a long-term care inspection committee.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health, Human Services & Medicaid Committee (4/3/2019; CONTINUED)
firearm modifications
Thomas, C.
To prohibit certain conduct regarding trigger cranks, bump-fire devices, and other items that accelerate a semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire but do not convert it into an automatic firearm.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
firearm transfers
Thomas, C.
To require a firearm transfer to be made through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require a background check when a firearm is transferred.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD)
firearm purchases
Thomas, C.
To raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to age 21 and to increase the penalty for improperly furnishing firearms to an underage person.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD)
gun shows
Thomas, C.
To regulate the transfer of firearms at a gun show.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
unclaimed funds
Williams, S.
Regarding payment to a registered finder of unclaimed funds.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government & Agency Review Committee (3/20/2019; CONTINUED)
employment applications
Williams, S.
To prohibit private employers from including on an employment application any question concerning whether an applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Transportation, Commerce & Workforce Committee (3/4/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
minimum wage
Thomas, C. Craig, H.
To increase the state minimum wage and to allow municipalities, townships, and counties to establish higher minimum wage requirements.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/25/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
leave benefits
Maharath, T.
To establish family and medical leave insurance benefits.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee (9/25/2019; CONTINUED)
wage payments
Maharath, T.
To enact the "Fair and Acceptable Income Required (FAIR) Act" and to revise the enforcement of the prohibitions against discrimination in the payment of wages.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government & Agency Review Committee (3/20/2019; CONTINUED)
domestic workers
Maharath, T.
Regarding wages, overtime, and other matters related to the employment of domestic workers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government & Agency Review Committee (3/20/2019; CONTINUED)
pregnancy accommodations
Maharath, T.
To enact the "Ohio Pregnant Workers Fairness Act" to generally require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/10/2019; CONTINUED)
dental services
Schuring, K.
Regarding limitations imposed by health insurers on dental care services.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee (2/5/2020; REPORTED-AMENDED (See separate story))
wage history
Maharath, T.
To prohibit employers from seeking a prospective employee's wage or salary history.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Transportation, Commerce & Workforce Committee (1/29/2020; CONTINUED)
insurance premiums
Maharath, T.
To limit the factors insurers can consider when setting premium rates.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee (9/25/2019; CONTINUED)
sex offenses
Antonio, N. O'Brien, S.
To eliminate the spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses, to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses, to eliminate the period of limitation for the criminal prosecution of a person for rape and for a civil action brought by a victim of conduct that would constitute rape, and to amend the versions of sections 2907.02 and 2907.05 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect March 22, 2020, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary Committee (2/19/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
firearm purchases
Thomas, C. Lehner, P.
To raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to age 21 and to increase the penalty for improperly furnishing firearms to an underage person.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (1/21/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
firearm transfers
Thomas, C. Lehner, P.
To require a firearm transfer to be made through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require a background check when a firearm is transferred.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
protection order
Williams, S. Lehner, P.
To enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act to allow family members, household members, and law enforcement officers to obtain a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (9/17/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
local authority
Thomas, C. Craig, H.
To restore local authority to generally regulate firearms-related conduct.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government & Agency Review Committee (10/23/2019; CONTINUED)
firearm transfers
Thomas, C. Lehner, P.
To regulate the transfer of firearms at a gun show.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (11/5/2019; CONTINUED (See separate story))
duty to retreat
Johnson, T.
To enact the Ohio Duty to Retreat Act to modify the law regarding self-defense.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee (1/21/2020; CONTINUED (See separate story))
SB 284
To amend the law related to insurers receiving credit for reinsurance, mental health and substance use disorder benefit parity, and the release of the telephone number of a person involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/21/2020; Signed: December 21, 2020, Effective: March 20, 2021)
tax credits
Peterson, B.
To increase the total amount of tax credits that may be awarded to insurance companies that invest in rural business growth funds.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee (12/9/2020; 30-0)
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