Tracking Status Report
Terra Goodnight
Tax System Rewrite
Mathews, A.
To modify the law regarding property taxation and income tax rates.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (4/25/2023; CONTINUED)
HB 2
Capital Appropriations
Cutrona, A. Upchurch, T.
To provide authorization and conditions for the operation of certain state programs, to make capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026, to make other appropriations, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/28/2024; Signed: June 28, 2024, Effective: June 28, 2024)
Economic Boycotts
Young, T. King, A.
To declare the General Assembly's intention to enact legislation regarding financial institutions and other businesses that conduct economic boycotts or discriminate against certain companies or customers based on certain factors.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Financial Institutions (11/14/2023; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
School Athletics
Powell, J.
To enact the Save Women's Sports Act to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (5/10/2023; REPORTED (See separate story))
HB 8
School Curriculum
Swearingen, D. Carruthers, S.
To enact the Parents' Bill of Rights to require public schools to adopt a policy on parental notification on student health and well-being and instructional materials with sexuality content and regarding school district policies for released time courses in religious instruction.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
School Financing System
Callender, J. Sweeney, B.
To express the intent of the General Assembly to continue phasing-in the school financing system established in H.B. 110 of the 134th General Assembly and, if practicable, fully phase it in.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/15/2023; Finance)
Scholarship Programs
McClain, R. John, M.
To establish the Backpack Scholarship Program to begin operating for the 2023-2024 school year, to repeal the Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program and the Pilot Project Scholarship Program on July 1, 2024, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/25/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Education and Workforce
Jones, D. Dobos, D.
To rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce; to create the position of Director of Education and Workforce; and to reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/18/2023; CONTINUED)
Hybrid Motor Vehicles
Miller, J. Weinstein, C.
To eliminate the additional registration fee applicable to hybrid motor vehicles and to delay the effect of those changes until January 1, 2025.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (11/15/2023; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Parental Rights
Creech, R. John, M.
Regarding the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities to grant equal time and responsibility for a child.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families & Aging (5/14/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To revise the informed consent law regarding abortions.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/15/2023; Public Health Policy)
Ethics and Lobbying
Merrin, D.
To enact the Ethics and Financial Disclosure Reform Act to revise the law governing ethics and lobbying.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (3/28/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To prohibit state officials, employees, and contractors from using TikTok, WeChat, or any other application or service owned by an entity located in China.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/21/2023; Financial Institutions & Technology)
Presidential Primary Election
Troy, D.
To require a presidential primary election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (3/21/2023; CONTINUED)
HB 23
Transportation Budget
Edwards, J.
To make appropriations for programs related to transportation for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of those programs.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/31/2023; Signed: March 31, 2023, Effective: June 28, 2023)
Higher Education Cost
Mathews, A. Thomas, J.
To require state institutions of higher education to provide financial cost and aid disclosure forms.
Text & Analysis
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (2/28/2024; 30-2 (Antani, Hicks-Hudson) (AMENDED) (Earlier: REPORTED-AMENDED))
Feminine Hygiene Products
Humphrey, L.
To require municipal and county correctional facilities and state correctional institutions to provide inmates experiencing a menstrual cycle with an adequate supply of feminine hygiene products.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
HB 33
Operating Budget
Edwards, J.
To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025, to levy taxes, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Text & Analysis
Veto Overridden
in Senate (1/24/2024; Line item #24, Flavored tobacco pre-emption. Vote: 24-8)
Mental Health Days
Blackshear, W. Miranda, J.
To allow school districts to permit students to take up to three mental health days away from school each school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (4/25/2023; CONTINUED)
Income Tax Credit
Skindell, M. Isaacsohn, D.
To make the earned income tax credit partially refundable.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (5/9/2023; CONTINUED)
Absent Voters
Skindell, M.
To create a permanent absent voter list.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (2/21/2023; CONTINUED)
Employment Practices
Skindell, M.
To regulate employment practices of formula retail and food service establishment employers and contractors and to require the purchaser of a formula retail or food services establishment to retain certain employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Second Amendment
Loychik, M. Schmidt, J.
To enact the Second Amendment Preservation Act to add additional protections to the right to bear arms, to remove federal firearms law references from the state firearms control law, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Calendar for Coming Session
in House Rules & Reference (12/5/2023; REPORTED-AMENDED)
To provide counsel to destitute defendants facing eviction and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (2/28/2023; CONTINUED)
Humphrey, L.
To limit the locations at which a person has no duty to retreat.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/13/2023; CONTINUED)
HB 68
Gender Transition
Click, G.
Regards gender transition services for minors and to name this act the Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.
Text & Analysis
Veto Overridden
in Senate (1/24/2024; 24-8)
Drug Paraphernalia
Humphrey, L.
To remove criminal penalties for the use and possession of drug paraphernalia and drug abuse instruments.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/28/2023; Criminal Justice)
Minimum Police Age
Demetriou, S. Williams, J.
To lower the minimum age for an original appointment as a police officer from twenty-one to eighteen years of age.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (3/29/2023; CONTINUED)
LaRe, J.
To revise specified provisions of the liquor control, hemp, and adult-use marijuana laws and to levy taxes on marijuana.
Text & Analysis
in Senate General Government (12/6/2023; 28-2 (Antani, Ingram) (AMENDED) (Earlier:REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE))
Tracking Devices
Patton, T.
To generally prohibit a person from knowingly installing a tracking device or application on another person's property without the other person's consent.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (4/16/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (No testimony) (See separate story))
Young, T. Santucci, N.
To establish the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program, to name this act the Save Ohio Safe Rx Act, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (6/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Regards limitations on recovery and lien imposition by municipalities against property owners of non-owner-occupied properties for unpaid water, sewer, and disposal services rates and charges.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Local Government (11/19/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To increase the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Social Studies
Jones, D. Richardson, T.
To establish the Ohio Social Studies Standards Task Force to develop new social studies academic standards for use beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/13/2023; CONTINUED-AMENDED)
HB 111
Domestic Violence
LaRe, J. Miller, K.
To increase the sentencing range for third degree felony domestic violence and to create a presumption in favor of a prison term for the offense.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/19/2024; Signed: December 19, 2024, Effective: March 18, 2025)
Campaign Finance
Sweeney, B. Miranda, J.
To modify the campaign finance law, and to name this act the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/18/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Day Designation
Click, G.
To designate March 12th as "Detrans Awareness Day."
Text & Analysis
in House (3/22/2023; State & Local Government)
To address wage disparities in public and private employment and to name this act the Ohio Equal Pay Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/7/2024; CONTINUED)
To eliminate retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, to expand the grades for which intensive reading intervention is provided, and expand the inclusion of phonics in learning standards.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (9/13/2023; Education)
Home Schooling
Fowler Arthur, S.
To revise the law regarding the home education of children.
Text & Analysis
in House (3/28/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
Special Election
Manchester, S.
To allow a special election to be held in August for certain purposes and to make an appropriation
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/27/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 147
Teacher Regulations
Fowler Arthur, S. Miller, A.
Regards teacher licensure revocation, teacher hiring practices, and conduct unbecoming to the teaching profession.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Higher Education
Demetriou, S. Williams, J.
To enact the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (6/14/2023; CONTINUED)
HB 161
Spousal Criminal Exceptions
Miranda, J. Hillyer, B.
To eliminate the spousal exceptions for the offenses of rape, sexual battery, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, gross sexual imposition, sexual imposition, and importuning and to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
Social Studies Curriculum
Lightbody, M.
To include instruction on the migration, experiences, and contributions of a range of communities in the social studies model curriculum.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (12/12/2023; CONTINUED)
Firearm Storage
Miranda, J. Brewer, D.
To require secure storage of firearms, to authorize an income tax credit for the purchase of firearm storage and locking devices, to name this act the Keep Every Home Safe Act, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/6/2023; CONTINUED)
Natural Hair
Brent, J. Callender, J.
To enact the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (CROWN) Act to prohibit discrimination against an individual based on hair texture and protective hair styles.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (11/12/2024; CONTINUED)
To prohibit a municipal corporation or charter county from imposing a curfew except in certain cases.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/13/2023)
Bathroom Facilities
Lear, B. Bird, A.
Regards single-sex bathroom access in primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (4/10/2024; REPORTED (See separate story))
Cutrona, A.
To exempt from the sales and use tax the sale of certain firearms and ammunition and to authorize nonrefundable tax credits for small arms and ammunition manufacturers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (10/3/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 201
Motor Vehicle Sales
Hillyer, B. Demetriou, S.
To prohibit a state agency, county, or township from restricting the sale or use of a motor vehicle based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle; to prohibit a state agency from adopting the California emissions standards for motor vehicles; and to change the requirements for natural gas company infrastructure development riders and economic development projects.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/28/2023; Signed: December 28, 2023, Effective: March 26, 2024)
HB 206
Student Expulsion and School Safety
Click, G. Robb Blasdel, M.
With respect to the expulsion of a student from a public school for actions that endanger the health and safety of other students or school employees, regarding automatic closures of community schools and the storage and use of drugs used to treat seizure, and to increase the earmarked funding for school choice program administration.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
Primary Elections
Hall, T.
To require an elector to register as a member of a political party in order to participate in that party's primary election.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
Primary Elections
Gross, J. Click, G.
To require an elector to register as a member of a political party by a certain deadline in order to participate in that party's primary election.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (12/5/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 214
Holmes, A.
To enact the "Religious Expression Days" or "R.E.D." Act to require each public school to adopt a policy that reasonably accommodates the sincerely held religious beliefs and practices of students; to require each public school to adopt a policy regarding certain expectations related to the performance of staff member professional duties; and to amend the version of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/26/2024; Signed: July 26, 2024, Effective: October 23, 2024)
State Education Board
Fowler Arthur, S.
With regard to membership and election of State Board of Education members and to make changes regarding the State Board's public meetings.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House (9/12/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story); Primary & Secondary Education)
School Chaplains
Stoltzfus, R.
To permit public schools to employ chaplains to provide support services.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/12/2023; Primary & Secondary Education)
Adult Cabarets
King, A. Williams, J.
To prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (6/5/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Death Penalty
Schmidt, J. Miller, A.
To abolish the death penalty and to modify the number of jurors that may be challenged in cases where a defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (10/11/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
School Board Members
Loychik, M.
To provide for primary elections for state and school district board of education members and move the election for state and school district board members from the nonpartisan ballot.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/26/2023; Government Oversight)
Election Ballots
Mathews, A. Peterson, B.
To specify that state questions and issues appearing on ballots must be numbered consecutively based on the previous election, to address foreign campaign contributions and to address presidential ballot access.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (5/28/2024; 21-8 (Amended))
Concealed Handguns
Mathews, A. Pizzulli, J.
To allow a concealed handgun licensee to carry a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a building or structure that is not a courthouse but in which a courtroom is located if court is not in session.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/13/2023; Judiciary)
School Buses
Willis, B.
To require occupant restraining devices to be installed on all school buses within five years.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (12/11/2024; REPORTED (No testimony))
Criminal Sexual Conduct
Demetriou, S.
To enact the Innocence Act to prohibit an organization from failing to verify the age of a person attempting to access material that is obscene or harmful to juveniles, to prohibit a person from using another person's likeness to create sexual images of the other person, and to create a private right of action for each prohibited activity.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
HB 315
Townships, Healthcare, and Housing
Hall, T. Seitz, B.
To make various changes to township and other local and state government law, to name a portion of the act Madeline's Law, to name a portion of the act the Homebuyer Protection Act, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/2/2025; Signed: January 2, 2025, Effective: April 2, 2025)
Employee Verification
Wiggam, S. Swearingen, D.
To require government contractors, private nonresidential contractors, and certain employers to use E-verify.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (12/10/2024; CONTINUED)
Labor Disputes
Grim, M. Miranda, J.
To enact the Strike Term Access to Negotiation Duration Unemployment Protection Act (STAND UP Act) regarding unemployment benefits during labor disputes
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (11/13/2024; CONTINUED)
Click, G.
To revise the law regarding adult use marijuana.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/5/2023; Finance)
Regards abortion, abortion-related laws, and reproductive health protections; to amend the version of section 3702.30 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect September 30, 2024; and to repeal the version of section 5103.11 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after those dates.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Public Health Policy (12/4/2024; CONTINUED)
Gas Production Incentives
Barhorst, T. Jones, D.
To authorize the creation of areas within which incentives are available to encourage the development of natural gas pipelines and other infrastructure and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (11/12/2024; Finance)
Recreational Marijuana
Callender, J.
To modify the law governing the cultivation, processing, dispensing, testing, and taxation of adult use cannabis and to levy a gross receipts tax on marijuana cultivators.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (12/13/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To make changes to the law relating to the unauthorized use of an individual's persona and to prohibit certain unauthorized deepfake recordings.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/11/2024; REPORTED (No testimony))
Ohio Constitution
Dean, B. Gross, J.
To enact the Issue 1 Implementation Act.
Text & Analysis
in House (1/9/2024; Civil Justice)
Insulin Costs
Abdullahi, M. Hall, T.
To cap cost sharing for prescription insulin drugs and diabetes devices
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
To phase-out the state income tax on nonbusiness income over six years and to repeal the commercial activity tax after 2029.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (5/14/2024; CONTINUED)
Capital Punishment
Stewart, B. Plummer, P.
To add nitrogen hypoxia as a method of execution and to prohibit the disclosure of execution identifying information.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (5/21/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Higher Education
Holmes, A.
To prohibit state institutions of higher education from requiring individuals to commit to specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (4/24/2024; CONTINUED)
To prohibit employers from seeking a prospective employee's wage or salary history.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
To provide Medigap policies for Medicare-eligible individuals under the age of 65.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (11/20/2024; CONTINUED)
To create the offense of nonconsensual distribution of a deepfake.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/7/2024; CONTINUED)
Digital Assets
Demetriou, S.
To prohibit certain state and local government actions respecting digital asset mining, to exempt certain digital currency transactions from state and local income taxes, to prohibit local charges on digital assets, to require the state retirement systems to evaluate certain digital asset investments, and to name this act the Ohio Blockchain Basics Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Financial Institutions (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Deepfake Media
Miller, J.
To regulate the dissemination of deepfake media for the purpose of influencing the results of an election.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (12/3/2024; CONTINUED)
Domestic Violence
Grim, M. Abdullahi, M.
To enact the Keeping Our Survivors Safe Act to prohibit a person who is charged with or has been convicted of first degree misdemeanor domestic violence from possessing a firearm or dangerous ordnance.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (12/3/2024; CONTINUED)
Concealed Carry
Brown, R. Isaacsohn, D.
Regards a concealed handgun licensee's duty to carry the license and notify a law enforcement officer if the licensee is carrying a concealed handgun and the rights of a qualifying adult to carry a concealed handgun in the same manner as if the person was a licensee, and to rename concealed handgun licenses as basic competency licenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Firearm Transfers
Robinson, P. Isaacsohn, D.
To require a firearm transfer to be made through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require a background check when a firearm is transferred.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (11/20/2024; CONTINUED)
Gun Task Force
Brewer, D.
To establish the Ohio Task Force on Gun Violence.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/16/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Minimum Wage
Jarrells, D. Lipps, S.
To phase out the subminimum wage for individuals with physical or mental disabilities and to name this act the Ohio Employment First and Greater Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (4/16/2024; CONTINUED)
To prohibit carrying mass casualty weapons.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (5/21/2024; CONTINUED)
Religious Instruction
Cutrona, A. Click, G.
Regards school district policies for released time courses in religious instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (11/12/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Candidate Names
Piccolantonio Grim, M.
To create an exemption to the requirement that candidates must provide all names used in the past five years.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (5/21/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Primary Election Candidates
Creech, R. King, A.
To allow an elector who is not a member of a political party to protest a person's candidacy for that party's nomination on certain grounds.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (12/17/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No Testimony))
Election Laws
Willis, B. Peterson, B.
To make changes to the Election Law related to voter registration, voting, and the certification of voting systems.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (5/22/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Williams, J.
To prohibit state funds from being given to any entity that supports, promotes, or provides abortions, to require counties and municipal corporations to report abortion-related spending, and to withhold and reallocate to pregnancy resource centers state local government funds from a county or municipal corporation that engages in such spending.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (12/10/2024; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
HB 531
Crime Victims
Lear, B. Lorenz, B.
To enact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion and to require service providers to comply with search warrants and interception warrants for electronic information.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
Unauthorized Symbols
Carruthers, S.
To prohibit unauthorized displays of symbols on bridges or highways and unauthorized projections of images onto buildings and to expand the offenses of aggravated trespass and ethnic intimidation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Gross, J.
To require all ballots in Ohio elections to have an identifying watermark.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Wiggam, S. Lear, B.
To enact the Voter Verification Act to require election officials to verify certain information in voter registration records and to require electors to provide corrected information.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (11/20/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Criminal Liability
Mathews, A.
To create criminal liability for certain teachers and librarians for the offense of pandering obscenity.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (12/3/2024; CONTINUED)
Immigration Laws
Lear, B. Plummer, P.
To modify the law regarding individuals who are unlawfully present in the United States, to require state and local authorities to cooperate with the federal government in the enforcement of immigration laws, and to sanction those who fail to do so.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/21/2024; Criminal Justice)
School Audits
White, A.
To require the Chancellor of Higher Education to conduct an audit of educator preparation programs to determine what instruction they are providing to students on mental and behavioral health, behavior management, and classroom management, and to make recommendations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (6/25/2024; REPORTED-SUBSTITUTE)
Local Government Fund
Robinson, P. Brent, J.
To increase the proportion of state tax revenue allocated to the Local Government Fund from 1.7% to 3.68% beginning July 1, 2026.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Finance (12/3/2024; CONTINUED)
Campaign Finance
Hillyer, B. Holmes, A.
To modify the Campaign Finance Law regarding foreign nationals and statewide initiatives and referenda and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/4/2024; CONTINUED (No testimony))
To reconcile Ohio with federal law regarding same-sex marriage and provide for the right to interracial marriage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (12/17/2024; CONTINUED)
Protected Speech
Forhan, E. Stewart, B.
To enact the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act relating to legal actions concerning protected speech.
Text & Analysis
in House (11/12/2024; Civil Justice)
Gender Pronouns
Pavliga, G.
To prohibit public colleges from using employment and admissions applications that ask for preferred gender pronouns.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (11/20/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Term Limits
Rulli, M. McColley, R.
Applying to the Congress of the United States for a limited national convention for the exclusive purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to establish term limits for members of Congress.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/1/2023; General Government)
Constitutional Amendment
McColley, R. Gavarone, T.
To require a vote of at least 60% of the electors to approve any constitutional amendment.
Text & Analysis
in House (5/10/2023; 62-37)
Senate Concurs in House Amendments
(5/10/2023; 26-7)
Hicks-Hudson, P.
To permit an elector to register to vote on Election Day and vote in that election.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (11/19/2024; CONTINUED)
Ohio General Assembly
Blessing, L.
To increase the membership of the General Assembly to 51 senators and 153 representatives beginning January 1, 2033.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (11/20/2024; General Government)
Constitutional Amendments
Stewart, B.
Proposing to amend Sections 1b, 1e, and 1g of Article II and Sections 1 and 3 of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to require a vote of at least 60% of the electors to approve any constitutional amendment and to modify the procedures for an initiative petition proposing a constitutional amendment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Constitutional Resolutions (4/19/2023; REPORTED (See separate story))
States Convention
McClain, R. Willis, B.
Application to the Congress of the United States for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of the United States that is limited to proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and Members of Congress.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (6/4/2024; CONTINUED)
Property Taxes
Lear, B. Williams, J.
Proposing to enact Section 23 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to limit property tax increases for a property owner to not more than four per cent per year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (11/19/2024; CONTINUED)
Capital Improvements
Oelslager, S. Troy, D.
Proposing to enact Section 2t of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to permit the issuance of additional general obligation bonds to fund public infrastructure capital improvements.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/18/2024; 30-1 (Antani))
Department of Education
Reineke, B.
To rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce, to create the position of Director of Education and Workforce and to reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Economic & Workforce Development (5/9/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 6
Governance Policies
Schuring, K.
Regards environmental, social, and corporate governance policies with respect to the state retirement systems, Bureau of Workers' Compensation, and state institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/19/2024; Signed: December 19, 2024, Effective: March 18, 2025)
School Vouchers
O'Brien, S.
To enact the Parent Educational Freedom Act to expand eligibility for Educational Choice scholarships, to cease the operation of the Pilot Project Scholarship Program on July 1, 2023, and to increase the income tax credit for homeschooling expenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (3/7/2023; CONTINUED)
Teachers without Licenses
Hoagland, F.
To expand eligibility for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces to be employed as teachers without licenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (3/7/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 17
School Curriculum
Wilson, S.
To incorporate free market capitalism content into the high school financial literacy and entrepreneurship standards and model curriculum and with regard to financial literacy course credit and license validation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(3/13/2024; Signed: March 13, 2024, Effective: June 10, 2024)
SB 21
Court Jurisdictions
McColley, R. Reynolds, M.
To generally change the venue in which appeal from an agency order is proper to the local court of common pleas and provide special rules regarding consideration of such cases, to revise the law governing claim preclusion in zoning appeals, to revise the law governing the referral of cases to the Hamilton County Drug Court, to transfer Perry Township in Wood County and Washington Township in Hancock County from the territorial jurisdiction of the Tiffin-Fostoria Municipal Court to the territorial jurisdiction of, respectively, the Bowling Green Municipal Court and the Findlay Municipal Court on January 2, 2024, to allow the General Assembly to intervene in certain actions, to allow the General Assembly and the Governor to retain special counsel, and to replace two part-time judgeships in the Sandusky County County Court with one full-time judge.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/30/2023; Signed: June 30, 2023, Effective: in 90 days)
Minor Labor Laws
Schaffer, T.
To allow a person under sixteen years of age to be employed after 7 p.m. during the school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/9/2023; REPORTED (No testimony) (See separate story))
Unemployment Compensation Programs
Schaffer, T.
To establish legislative oversight of executive action regarding voluntary federal unemployment compensation programs.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (3/29/2023; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Driver's License Suspensions
Blessing, L. Ingram, C.
To make changes to the laws governing public safety and transportation.
Text & Analysis
in House Homeland Security (12/11/2024; 73-4 (EARLIER - REPORTED-AMENDED) (See separate story))
Retail Sales
Blessing, L.
To require retail merchants to give customers the option to pay by cash.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Small Business & Economic Opportunity (2/22/2023; CONTINUED)
SB 43
Veteran Homestead Exemption
Brenner, A.
To modify the homestead exemption for the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/28/2023; Signed: July 28, 2023, Effective: in 90 days)
Religious Expression
Reynolds, M.
To enact the Religious Expression Days "R.E.D." Act to require each kindergarten through 12 public school to adopt a policy providing students, teachers, and staff with religious accommodations.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (12/5/2023)
Election Integrity Divison
Gavarone, T.
To establish the Election Integrity Division in the Office of the Secretary of State.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (5/16/2023; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Law Enforcement
Reynolds, M. Roegner, K.
To lower the minimum age for an original appointment as a police officer from twenty-one to eighteen years of age.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Homeland Security (6/21/2023; CONTINUED)
Presidential Primary Election
DeMora, B.
To require a presidential primary election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (2/22/2023; General Government)
SB 58
To prohibit requiring fees or firearms liability insurance for the possession of firearms, or fees for the possession of knives, and to enact the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
Election Records
Gavarone, T.
To enact the Data Analysis Transparency Archive (DATA) Act to establish the Office of Data Analytics and Archives in the Office of the Secretary of State and to modify requirements for the Statewide Voter Registration Database and other election records.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/18/2024; 59-27)
To levy a tax on certain high-volume landlords.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (3/22/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To restore local authority to generally regulate firearms-related conduct.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Veterans & Public Safety (5/30/2023; CONTINUED)
Higher Education
Cirino, J.
To enact the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Higher Education (12/6/2023; REPORTED (See separate story))
Special Elections
McColley, R. Gavarone, T.
To allow a special election to be held in August for certain purposes and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Informally Passed
in House (5/8/2024)
SB 100
Tracking Devices, OVI, and Tobacco
Manning, N. Antonio, N.
To generally prohibit a person from knowingly installing a tracking device or application on another person's property without the other person's consent or failing to remove or ensure removal of such a device or application from another person's property if the other person gave consent and subsequently revokes it, to authorize collecting oral fluid as evidence in suspected OVI cases, and to increase fines for repeatedly selling tobacco products to minors and to apply the public nuisance law to places where such sales occur.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/19/2024; Signed: December 19, 2024, Effective: March 18, 2025)
Death Penalty
Antonio, N. Huffman, S.
To abolish the death penalty and to modify the number of jurors that may be challenged in cases where a defendant may be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/4/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Unemployment Compensation Law
Lang, G. Romanchuk, M.
To make changes to Ohio's Unemployment Compensation Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (6/7/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Higher Education
Cirino, J. McColley, R.
To establish the Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society at the Ohio State University, to establish the Institute of American Constitutional Thought and Leadership at the University of Toledo, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House (6/26/2024; 85-12)
Schaffer, T.
To exempt from the sales and use tax the sale of certain firearms and ammunition and to authorize nonrefundable tax credits for small arms and ammunition manufacturers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (10/3/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Ranked Choice Voting
Gavarone, T. DeMora, B.
To generally prohibit the use of ranked choice voting and to withhold Local Government Fund distributions from a municipality or chartered county that uses ranked choice voting.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (4/24/2024; CONTINUED)
Minimum Wage
Smith, K. Craig, H.
To increase the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (9/27/2023; CONTINUED)
Voter Registration
Reynolds, M.
To permit an elector to change party affiliation through the voter registration process, to require an elector to register as a member of a political party in order to participate in that party's primary election, and to name this act the Voter Registration Modernization Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (10/10/2023; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Firearms Purchases
Johnson, T.
Relates to payment card transactions involving firearms and ammunition retailers and to name this act the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Financial Institutions (6/18/2024; SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD)
Utility Political Expenditures
Smith, K.
To prohibit certain public utilities from recovering political expenditure costs from their customers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Energy & Public Utilities (9/20/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Legacy Generation Resource
Smith, K.
To repeal the legacy generation resource provisions of H.B. 6 of the 133rd General Assembly and provide customers refunds.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Energy & Public Utilities (9/20/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
SB 158
Cirino, J.
To add a judge to the Adams County Court of Common Pleas, who shall be elected in 2026, and designated as the judge of the court's Probate and Juvenile Division on February 9, 2029.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
Pregnancy Resource Centers
O'Brien, S.
To authorize a nonrefundable tax credit for donations to certain pregnancy resource centers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Finance (6/25/2024; CONTINUED)
Craig, H.
To enact the Suicide Self-Defense Act, relative to the creation of a do not possess firearms registry.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Veterans & Public Safety (1/24/2024; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
SB 168
Education Regulation Reform
Reynolds, M.
Regards primary, secondary, and higher education reform and notice requirements for certain reemployed retirants, to transfer cash from the General Revenue Fund to the High School Financial Literacy Fund, and to amend the versions of sections 3301.0714 and 3314.03 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that effective date.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Firearm Safety
Craig, H. Sykes, V.
To authorize a nonrefundable income tax credit for the cost of handgun training and firearms storage and locking devices.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (1/24/2024; CONTINUED)
Sports Gaming Tax
Antani, N.
To reduce the sports gaming tax rate from 20% to 10%.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Finance (11/12/2024; CONTINUED)
Inmate IDs
Lang, G. Manning, N.
To provide inmates with state identification cards and documentation upon their release relating to work experience, education, and trade skills.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/11/2024; 71-0)
Kunze, S. DeMora, B.
To prohibit businesses from distributing pornographic material over the internet without verifying that the persons accessing that material are not juveniles.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Financial Institutions & Technology (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
SB 214
Human Trafficking Victims
Kunze, S.
To allow a victim of human trafficking to expunge certain criminal records.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(7/24/2024; Signed: July 24, 2024, Effective: October 21, 2024)
Ballot Issue Campaigns
Gavarone, T. McColley, R.
To prohibit foreign nationals from making contributions or expenditures regarding ballot issue campaigns.
Text & Analysis
in House (11/12/2024; Government Oversight)
To phase-out the state income tax on nonbusiness income over six years and to repeal the commercial activity tax after 2029.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (11/20/2024; CONTINUED)
SB 237
Protected Speech, Courts, and Juvenile Justice
Gavarone, T. Manning, N.
To enact the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act relating to legal actions concerning protected speech, to clarify small claims court jurisdiction, and to prohibit landlords from listing a minor as a defendant in a forcible entry and detainer action.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/8/2025; Signed: January 8, 2025, Effective: in 90 days)
Minimum Wage
Blessing, L.
To modify the state's earned income tax credit, to increase the basic state minimum hourly wage, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Ways & Means (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
Crime Victims
Schaffer, T.
Regards civil actions by persons who suffer injury or loss due to vandalism or riot activity.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (5/22/2024; Judiciary)
Religious Instruction
Reynolds, M.
Regards school district policies for released time courses in religious instruction.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (11/19/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
School Closures
Brenner, A.
To declare the General Assembly's intent to revise the closure requirements for poor-performing community schools and school buildings operated by a school district.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (12/18/2024; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Johnson, T.
To define antisemitism for the purpose of investigations and proceedings by state agencies and to expand the offense of ethnic intimidation to include the offenses of riot and aggravated riot committed by reason of the race, color, religion, or national origin of another person or group of persons.
Text & Analysis
in House (12/17/2024; Government Oversight)
To require proof of citizenship to register to vote and to modify procedures regarding voter roll maintenance, absent voting, and election petitions.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (11/12/2024; General Government)
To prohibit the sale of intoxicating hemp products and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate General Government (12/10/2024; CONTINUED)
Railroad Safety
Robb Blasdel, M. McNally, L.
To urge the United States Congress to pass legislation requiring railroad companies to inform local and state government officials when trains carrying potentially hazardous materials travel through their respective jurisdictions.
Text & Analysis
in House (3/23/2023; 94-1 (Dean) (Amended))
90th House District
Stephens, J.
Relative to the election of Justin Pizzulli to fill the vacancy in the membership of the House of Representatives created by the resignation of Brian Baldridge of the 90th House District.
Text & Analysis
Calendar for Coming Session
in House (2/28/2023; *Pending Report)
Electric Vehicles
Williams, J.
To express support for consumer choice in the automotive marketplace and against government-preferred vehicle technology mandates that will harm Ohio's consumers by prematurely requiring the transition of the automotive fleet from internal combustion powered vehicles to all-electric vehicles.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Transportation (11/14/2023; REPORTED)
Railroad Safety
Rulli, M.
To urge the United States Congress to pass legislation requiring railroad companies to inform local and state government officials when trains carrying potentially hazardous materials travel through their respective jurisdictions.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/8/2023; Transportation)
U.S. Constitution
Antonio, N. Smith, K.
To call on legislators at the state and federal level and other communities and jurisdictions to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that would abolish corporate personhood and the doctrine of money as speech.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight (5/22/2024; CONTINUED)
Railroad Safety
Bird, A. Plummer, P.
To urge the United States Congress to pass legislation requiring railroad companies and the U.S. Department of Transportation to inform local and state government officials when trains carrying potentially hazardous materials travel through their respective jurisdictions.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (3/14/2023; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Minor Labor Laws
Schaffer, T.
To urge Congress to make changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act to allow a person under 16 years of age to be employed between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. during the school year.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (5/9/2023; REPORTED (No testimony) (See separate story))
Hydrogen Hubs
Dolan, M.
Urging President Biden, the United States Department of Energy, and the Congress of the United States to designate federal funding for hydrogen hubs in Ohio
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/8/2023; Energy & Public Utilities)
Title IX
Brenner, A.
To urge Congress and the President of the United States, along with the United States Department of Education to exclude sexual orientation and gender identity from Title IX.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Education (6/11/2024; CONTINUED)
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