Tracking Status Report
Erin Ryan
Tracking group: WPPN 134 GA
Domestic Violence
Boyd, J. Carruthers, S.
To make changes to civil and criminal law regarding domestic violence, to address State Highway Patrol arrest authority, to name the act Aisha's Law, and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/7/2021; CONTINUED)
To prohibit foreclosure activity and the eviction of residential and commercial tenants during the state of emergency declared regarding COVID-19, to refer such proceedings caused by the state of emergency to mediation, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (3/23/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Birth Equity
Crawley, E.
To enact the "Save Our Mothers Act" for the purpose of establishing continuing education requirements for birthing facility personnel and an initiative to improve birth equity, reduce peripartum racial and ethnic disparities, and address implicit bias in the healthcare system.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (2/4/2021; Health)
Minimum Wage
Kelly, B.
To allow municipalities, townships, and counties to establish minimum wage requirements higher than the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
in House (2/5/2021)
Legislative Meetings
Kelly, B.
To allow committee meetings and general sessions of the House of Representatives to be conducted virtually and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (3/25/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
To make the earned income tax credit partially refundable.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (5/25/2021; CONTINUED)
Women's Sports
Powell, J. Stoltzfus, R.
To enact the "Save Women's Sports Act" to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/24/2021; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Minimum Wage
Kelly, B. Jarrells, D.
To increase the state minimum wage.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
Caregiver Tax Credit
Russo, A. Boyd, J.
To authorize a refundable tax credit for certain expenses incurred by caregivers.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Ways & Means (5/11/2021; CONTINUED)
HB 93
Address Confidentiality
Abrams, C. LaRe, J.
To make changes to the Address Confidentiality Program administered by the Secretary of State, to make changes to county recorder fees, to modify certain requirements for the 2022 primary election, and to declare an emergency.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(1/28/2022; Signed: January 28, 2022, Effective: January 28, 2022)
HB 110
State Budget
Oelslager, S.
To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2023, to levy taxes, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(6/30/2021; Signed: June 30, 2021, Effective: July 1, 2021)
Spousal Exceptions
Lanese, L. Boggs, K.
To eliminate the spousal exceptions for the offenses of rape, sexual battery, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, gross sexual imposition, sexual imposition, and importuning and to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/26/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
HB 122
To establish and modify requirements regarding the provision of telehealth services, to establish a provider credentialing program within the Medicaid program, to revise the law governing the State Medical Board's One-Bite Program, and to extend the suspension of certain programs and requirements under the state's insurance laws until January 1, 2026.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/22/2021; Signed: December 22, 2021, Effective: March 21, 2022)
Health Insurance
Crossman, J. Lightbody, M.
Regarding health insurance premiums and benefits.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (2/24/2021; CONTINUED)
Doula Services
Crawley, E. Brinkman, T.
Regarding doula services.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (12/7/2022; CONTINUED)
Regarding eligibility for publicly funded child care.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (4/15/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Prevailing Wage
Riedel, C. Manchester, S.
To allow political subdivisions, special districts, and state institutions of higher education to elect to apply the Prevailing Wage Law to public improvement projects.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/23/2021; CONTINUED)
Food Workers
Skindell, M. Kelly, B.
To regulate employment practices of formula retail and food services establishment employers and contractors and to require the purchaser of a formula retail or food services establishment to retain certain employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
HB 167
Housing Support
Oelslager, S.
To provide rent and utility assistance and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(5/11/2021; Signed: May 11, 2021, Effective: in 90 days)
Rental Housing
Upchurch, T. Miller, A.
To prohibit discrimination in rental housing based on lawful source of income.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (4/27/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Earning Statements
Kelly, B. Lipps, S.
To require an employer to provide earnings and deductions statements to each of the employer's employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Small Business & Economic Opportunity (10/27/2021; CONTINUED)
Sexual Assault
Boggs, K. Russo, A.
To remove the cap on damages for noneconomic loss when a victim of rape or assault brings a tort action.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (4/27/2021; CONTINUED)
Hillyer, B. Skindell, M.
To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
AAPI Affairs
Howse, S. Galonski, T.
To create the Ohio Asian-American and Pacific Islander Affairs Commission and the Office of Asian- American and Pacific Islander Affairs and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (6/15/2021; CONTINUED)
Wage Disparities
Howse, S. Miranda, J.
To enact the Ohio Equal Pay Act to address wage disparities in public and private employment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (6/22/2021; CONTINUED)
Civil Rights Commission
Boyd, J. Crawley, E.
To require the Ohio Civil Rights Commission to establish a system for individuals to anonymously report wage discrimination.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/14/2021; Commerce & Labor)
To enact the Parents Right to Know Act to enforce school district compliance with venereal disease or teen pregnancy prevention instruction requirements.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Primary & Secondary Education (6/28/2021--Canceled)
Domestic Violence
Boggs, K. Abrams, C.
To provide for the establishment of domestic violence fatality review boards.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
Rental Agreements
Sobecki, L. Lepore-Hagan, M.
To allow a tenant to terminate a rental agreement if the tenant is a victim of a specified crime and to authorize an income tax credit for landlords who rented to such tenants.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Civil Justice (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
Protection Orders
Russo, A. Smith, M.
To enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act to allow family members, household members, and law enforcement officers to obtain a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (12/1/2022; CONTINUED)
To eliminate the period of limitation for the criminal prosecution of a person for rape and for a civil action brought by a victim of conduct that would constitute rape, to extend the period of limitations for a civil action by a victim of childhood sexual abuse other than rape, and to eliminate the spousal exception for the offense of rape.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (12/7/2022; CONTINUED)
To establish requirements for electronic benefit transfer cards issued under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (12/7/2022)
Virtual Testimony
Kelly, B. Miller, A.
To require that a committee of the General Assembly establish a means of hearing virtual testimony.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Government Oversight (12/1/2022; CONTINUED)
To make changes regarding bail.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (5/25/2022; CONTINUED-AMENDED (See separate story))
Human Trafficking
Galonski, T. Richardson, T.
To allow a victim of human trafficking to expunge certain criminal records and to name this act the Expanding Human Trafficking Justice Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (3/3/2022)
Legislative Service Commission
Howse, S. Crossman, J.
To require the Director of the Legislative Service Commission to prepare a human impact statement concerning a bill or resolution that proposes to amend criminal justice law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Criminal Justice (12/1/2022; CONTINUED)
Crawley, E. Ray, S.
To generally prohibit a person's disability from being used to deny or limit custody, parenting time, visitation, adoption, or service as a guardian or foster caregiver, regarding a minor.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (12/15/2021; Judiciary)
To authorize a pregnant minor to consent to receive health care to maintain or improve her life or the life of the unborn child she is carrying.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (12/13/2022; CONTINUED)
Regards pretreatment notice about the possibility of reversing a mifepristone abortion.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Health (3/22/2022; CONTINUED)
Sexual Assault
Lanese, L. John, M.
To require governmental evidence-retention entities to secure and test sexual assault examination kits in relation to an investigation or prosecution of trafficking in persons.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/13/2022; REPORTED-AMENDED)
Fair Paycheck Workplace
Smith, K. Smith, M.
To create the fair paycheck workplace certificate.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Commerce & Labor (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
To regulate the practice of certified professional midwives and to name this act the Ohio Midwife Practice Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (12/13/2022; CONTINUED)
Benefit Cliffs
Click, G. Jarrells, D.
To address public assistance benefits cliffs in Ohio and to designate this act as the Actionable Help And New Dignity for Upward Progression (A HAND UP) Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (11/17/2022; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Retirement Savings Plan
Howse, S. Brent, J.
To establish an auto-enrollment retirement savings program for private sector employees.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (10/27/2021; CONTINUED)
Conversion Therapy
Lightbody, M.
To protect minors by prohibiting certain licensed health care professionals from engaging in conversion therapy when treating minor patients.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/21/2021; Health)
Gross, J.
To revise the informed consent law regarding abortions.
Text & Analysis
in House (9/22/2021; Health)
Mental Illness
Galonski, T. Hillyer, B.
To make changes to the law regarding involuntary treatment for mentally ill persons subject to a court order.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (11/30/2022; Judiciary)
Universal Health Care
Skindell, M.
To establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all Ohio residents.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Insurance (10/27/2021; CONTINUED)
Sex Alteration
Click, G. Grendell, D.
To prohibit certain procedures to alter a minor child's sex and to designate this act as the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (11/16/2022; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE-AMENDED (See separate story))
To enact the 2363 Act to authorize a private right of action against a person for performing or inducing an abortion or engaging in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (5/26/2022)
Family and Medical Leave
Boyd, J. Russo, A.
To establish family and medical leave insurance benefits and to require employers to provide an employee with paid bereavement leave on a stillbirth or death of a child.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (12/13/2022; CONTINUED)
Koehler, K.
To regulate the practice of certified nurse-midwives, certified midwives, and certified professional midwives and to amend the versions of sections 3701.351, 4723.431, and 4723.481 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on September 30, 2024, to continue the changes to those sections on and after that date.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House Families, Aging & Human Services (12/1/2022; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE (See separate story))
Benefit Eligibility
Schaffer, T.
Regarding eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Medicaid, work and education requirements for certain Medicaid recipients, requirements for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program electronic benefit transfer cards, and eligibility for and overpayments of unemployment compensation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform (5/6/2021; CONTINUED-SUBSTITUTE)
SB 47
To except traveling to and from a worksite and performing certain routine tasks from the overtime pay requirement and to prohibit opt-out class actions for overtime violations.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(4/6/2022; Signed: April 6, 2022, Effective: July 4, 2022)
Cultural Competency
Maharath, T. Antonio, N.
To require certain health care professionals to complete instruction in cultural competency.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/16/2021; CONTINUED)
Conversion Therapy
Maharath, T. Antonio, N.
To protect minors by prohibiting certain licensed health care professionals from engaging in conversion therapy when treating minor patients.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (11/16/2022; CONTINUED)
Minimum Wage
Thomas, C. Craig, H.
To increase the state minimum wage and to allow municipalities, townships, and counties to establish higher minimum wage requirements.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (3/10/2021; CONTINUED)
African Americans
Williams, S.
To establish a committee to study the progress and challenges of African Americans in Ohio and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Finance (3/16/2021; CONTINUED)
Employment Applications
Williams, S.
To prohibit private employers from including on an employment application any question concerning whether an applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (3/10/2021; CONTINUED)
Salary History
Maharath, T.
To prohibit employers from seeking a prospective employee's wage or salary history.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Small Business & Economic Opportunity (3/17/2021; CONTINUED)
Asian-American Commission
Antani, N. Maharath, T.
To create the Ohio Asian-American and Pacific Islander Affairs Commission and the Office of Asian- American and Pacific Islander Affairs and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform (6/2/2021; CONTINUED)
Domestic Violence
Kunze, S. Antonio, N.
To expand the offense of domestic violence to also prohibit a person from knowingly impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family or household member by applying pressure to the family or household member's throat or neck or blocking the family or household member's nose or mouth.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (11/15/2022; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
Week Designation
Maharath, T.
To designate the first week of May as "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week."
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (10/27/2021; CONTINUED)
Month Designation
Maharath, T.
To designate the month of May as "Maternal Mortality Awareness Month."
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/3/2021; Health)
Housing Support
O'Brien, S. Williams, S.
To provide rent and utility assistance and to make an appropriation.
Text & Analysis
in House Finance (12/1/2022; 63-12 (Earlier REPORTED-AMENDED) (No testimony; See separate story))
Antonio, N. Rulli, M.
To enact the Ohio Fairness Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, to add mediation as an informal method that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission may use, and to uphold existing religious exemptions under Ohio's Civil Rights Law.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform (12/7/2022; CONTINUED)
Campaign Funds
Maharath, T.
To allow a candidate to use campaign funds to pay certain child care costs.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Local Government & Elections (6/22/2021; CONTINUED)
To enact the Human Life Protection Act to prohibit abortions based upon a condition precedent.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (10/27/2021; CONTINUED (See separate story))
Month Designation
Kunze, S. Maharath, T.
To enact the Save Our Mothers Act regarding birth equity, peripartum racial and ethnic disparities, and implicit bias in the health care system and to designate May as "Maternal Mortality Awareness Month."
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (11/17/2021; CONTINUED)
Nurse Overtime
Schaffer, T. Antonio, N.
To prohibit a hospital from requiring a nurse to work overtime as a condition of continued employment.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (11/10/2021; CONTINUED)
Women's Sports
Roegner, K.
To enact the"Save Women's Sports Act" to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/17/2021; Workforce & Higher Education)
Maternal Morbidity
Kunze, S. Antonio, N.
To modify the laws governing the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board and to require birthing facilities to report data on severe maternal morbidity.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (11/16/2022; CONTINUED)
Protection Orders
Williams, S.
To enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/24/2021; Judiciary)
Bias-Motivated Crime
Maharath, T. Antonio, N.
To rename the offense of ethnic intimidation to bias-motivated crime; to expand the scope of bias-motivated crime; to require peace officer training on bias-motivated crime; and to require data collection and reporting on bias-motivated crime
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/6/2022; CONTINUED)
SB 157
To require reports to be made after a child is born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion, to establish certain civil or criminal penalties for failing to preserve the health or life of such a child, and to make changes regarding variances from written transfer agreements.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
(12/22/2021; Signed: December 22, 2021, Effective: March 21, 2022)
Eviction Cases
Craig, H. Kunze, S.
To expungement of eviction case court files.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/6/2022; CONTINUED)
Pregnant Workers
Maharath, T.
To enact the Ohio Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to generally require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Workforce & Higher Education (10/20/2021; CONTINUED)
Virtual Testimony
Thomas, C.
To require that a committee of the General Assembly establish a means of hearing virtual testimony.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Government Oversight & Reform (11/30/2022; CONTINUED)
To make changes regarding bail.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (4/5/2022; CONTINUED (No testimony))
Human Trafficking
Fedor, T. Kunze, S.
To allow a victim of human trafficking to expunge certain criminal records and to name this act the Expanding Human Trafficking Justice Act.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (12/7/2021; CONTINUED-AMENDED (No testimony))
Week Designation
Antonio, N.
To designate the week including March 22nd as Ohio Doula Week.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Health (6/1/2022; CONTINUED)
Month Designation
Maharath, T.
To designate the month of June as "Pride Month."
Text & Analysis
in Senate (6/16/2021; Government Oversight & Reform)
To eliminate the period of limitation for the criminal prosecution of a person for rape and for a civil action brought by a victim of conduct that would constitute rape.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Judiciary (11/29/2022; CONTINUED)
To prohibit a person's disability from being the basis to deny or limit custody, parenting time, visitation, adoption, or service as a guardian or foster caregiver, regarding a minor, to provide that a civil action to challenge a state administrative order issued in a state of emergency be brought in the Court of Claims or an appropriate local court depending on the nature of the action, and to make changes concerning the validity of real property instruments and fiduciary signature errors.
Text & Analysis
Signed by the Governor
Public Assistance
Williams, S.
To establish the Public Assistance Benefits Cliff Study Committee.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (9/15/2021; Government Oversight & Reform)
Police Profiling
Williams, S.
To prohibit biased policing and other status-based profiling.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (10/6/2021; Judiciary)
Universal Health Care
Fedor, T. Antonio, N.
To establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan to provide universal health care coverage to all Ohio residents.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in Senate Insurance (11/30/2022; CONTINUED)
Criminal Offenses
Manning, N.
To modify the Criminal Law regarding arson and related offenses; robbery, burglary, trespass, safecracking, and related offenses; theft, fraud, and related offenses; offenses against the public peace; offenses against justice and public administration; miscellaneous offenses; the meaning of "prior calculation and design"; certain vehicle license suspensions; a new offense of "aggravated rape"; and other miscellaneous provisions of that Law.
Text & Analysis
Delivered to the Governor
To declare racism a public health crisis and to ask the Governor to establish a working group to promote racial equity in Ohio.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (6/23/2021; CONTINUED)
Right to Organize
Kelly, B. Sobecki, L.
To urge the Congress of the United States to enact the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021.
Text & Analysis
Introduced and Referred
in House (4/14/2021; Commerce & Labor)
Board Members
West, T. Russo, A.
To encourage equitable and diverse gender representation on the boards and in senior management of Ohio companies and institutions.
Text & Analysis
in House (4/22/2021; Commerce & Labor)
Pandemic Discrimination
Brent, J. Russo, A.
To denounce all forms of stigmatization, racism, and discrimination occurring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (12/7/2022)
Policing Act
Lightbody, M. Brent, J.
To urge the United States Congress to enact H.R. 1280, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021.
Text & Analysis
Committee Hearing
in House State & Local Government (12/7/2022; CONTINUED)
Pandemic Discrimination
Maharath, T. Thomas, C.
To denounce all forms of stigmatization, racism, and discrimination occurring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (3/24/2021; Health)
Housing Inequality
Williams, S.
To urge the state of Ohio to take steps to address housing inequality.
Text & Analysis
in Senate (10/6/2021; Financial Institutions & Technology)
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